watched 300 that movie for the 4th or 5th time in com206 lecture today. lecturer on MC. shiok! i totally never fall asleep la even though i know whats the story about. talking about crappy stuff with darwis and gl. lol. but i must say is a nice shot movie! ahhh~ too much com206 make us go watch movie to think about how this movie is flim more than the story of the movie. -_-'.
damn tired this few days cuz spend very long time in sch arh! today 10:30am-6:30pm. tml 8:30am-6:00pm. i'm gonna sleep early tml night to replenish all my sleep. dun wish to spend the whole weekend sleeping away like last weekend. shiok but not much work is done. ><.
almost 1 week more and u're back. =).
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