saw desmond and pei fen last monday at JP coffee bean..was getting some stuff from all over jp and saw them fimling for some show..should be some new drama..
From thursday 1st October - Sunday 4th October was spend with my boy. hehe. time pass by so fast. ><.
Thursday 1st october, went to cut my hair at lakeside. $3.80. lol. no matter how much u cut also that price. lol. hope by my birthday celebration my fringe won't grow too long again.
met him at cityhall. he was having some cohesion thingy at yuki yaki. he eat till damn full. zzz! once i meet him we went to buy cupwalker! HAHA! yes! have a strong craving for it for whole week sia. ><. Bought 1 piece of canele cake and we went back jp to have dinner le. both of us not feeling hungry so just pack some food home to eat. had the piece of canele cake around midnight time. sinful! is so chocolatey. hehe. had a terrible night that night good thing boy was around. ><. thanks to my stomach cramp that cause mi to vomit that night. Friday 2nd Oct
was supposed to meet darwis that morning but heng he got some photoshoot to do therefore meet him in the afternoon instead. So zhun when i left house around 12 plus waiting for cab(stil not feeling too well) to go school, from far hear someone calling mi. it was riko. she ask mi wan take cab anot. then i say i waiting for cab also le. so both of us share cab to school.
did java all the way till 6pm with the help of guo liang. met my boy at JP for movie! nice show. haha. very cute lor all the food came raining down. if this happens in the real world..all the food store can close down
Saturday 3rd October
First half of the day, he was playing his psp and i was reading fatal seduction. A book he bought. nice story about AIDS. started reading on thursday. by sunday already finished reading le. lol.
we had dinner at pizzahut in JP and watched surrogates.
never took pictures of our pizza. too hungry. lol. we hadn't had anything for the whole day. we had cheesy trio. nice! also ordered 1 pasta to share. they got many new pasta! but their pasta is to eat shuang one. can't compared to pasta mania though.
in the theatre.
interesting movie. everyone using their surrogates to move around. while their actual body just lie at home sia. -_-'. their surrogates can modify till very pretty and handsome. perfect figure. but there's this weapon who can destory surrogates even their user. dangerous. in the end, the person who created surrogates wanted to destroy surrogates. surrogates cause him to kill his own son. ><.
anyway sat was mid autumn..i remmeber 2 years ago got some leftovers sparkles and boy and i decide to go down to play candles and sparkles!at the end we also never use finish..haha..
not long after kana mosquito
very hard to take this shot. damn scary!lol.end up my face kana crop off. lol.
this amount of powder created very bright effect + a lot of smoke. -_-".
making heart shape for mi. lol. we were having comeptition among ourself see who can twist out a nice shape with the sparkles. got too bored of playing with straight sparkles.
Sunday 4th October
watched bleach movie 3. fade to black. nice le! i realise i never watch movie 1 so i'm going watch it soon. watched 2 already also. haha. boy left in the late afternoon. haiz~
Wednesday 7th October
the night before he came to find mi. had my maths test on wednesday. heng is do-able. haha. the last few maths module i had the quiz was totally hard and chui de. but the 2nd part of maths this time is damn hard. -_-". after lesson met him and had dinner at jp. jap food! long time since i had it. we ordered the dessert this time. was choosing between pudding or cake or some ice thingy. end up ordered the pudding one. lol.
eat till very bao arh! lol..
went to buy some last minute stuff with him before he go home..
before we left jp..saw the young generation shop..saw my 'friend' pencil box..boy bought it for mi..=) happy la..wanted to buy the umbrella..maybe next time..cuz i seldom use umbrella..but my curent one very chui le..see how ba..
realised i got this biscuit that i bought it very long ago..
the design same as my mp3 pouch..didn't know that..LOL..
Thursday 08 Oct (last day of meeting him)
good thing no art lesson. haha. travel down to tampiness with gl and judy. haha. laugh all the way there. bth. our topic is on some interesting forum la. wth! had dinner with boy at astons. tampinese branch. the presentation of the food abit chui but can be acceptable cuz is koptitiam. but the portion is the same and cheaper. hehe.
trained back alone to boon lay. study com principle and around half the ride back ji tao fall alseep. good thing friday no need go sch early.
gonna spend the weekends sleeping away + study for com life but i got more time for my own thing weekend long weekend again. got to pia my art arh! lol..
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