everyone is damn tired today cuz of this! i slept a total of less than 10 hours for this few days. argh! what worse is this papers are demoralizing. our first paper is the most confident de. the curve just goes down exponentially. -_-'. last paper i expect it to be as hard or maybe hardest of all.
but anyway i'm left with 1 paper. happy! but still haven decide where the class should go after last paper. where to eat lunch to celebrate..hmm..super hard to think of places to eat sia!
last fri watch 2012.

not bad show. the water water part remind mi of poseidon though. the duration of the whole show really very long sia. like never ending.
okay i'm off to sleep! night even though is only 2pm. lol. going to concuss before waking up to study again for my last paper. i know i'll defintely feel very lost after my exams. like suddenly nth to do. too used to studying everyday for 3 weeks or so. -_-'. need time to adjust back to the slack life.
boy is coming to find mi later. he went orchard yesterday with his friends during nights out. enjoy life! i haven been to town for..i dunno how long..nearly 3 months..the very last time wasn't counted cuz i were stuck at darwis house area for filimg! it was during yy birthday in sep that i were in town. no life!
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