Sunday, February 28, 2010
wanted to catch dear john but reviews ain't that good. like people saying some parts are boring! so, i went to buy the book in the end. after reading the prologue, i'm addicted le! BUT, after reading the prologue, it already spoils the whole story le lor! i already know what happen in the end, just that what happen in between i dunno what happen la. -_-".
i guess all the movies that develop from books, the books usually are nicer just like twilight, harry potter and etc.
saw ps.i love you and wanted to buy it. wait till i finish dear john first. lol. not as thick as twilight la so i guess i'll be able to complete it soon. ohoh, boy also wanted to get tuesday with morrie. recently mitch albom just come to singapore for promoting his latest book, i see quite a lot of people reading have a little faith now lor. the latest. the other 3 old books are selling at the price of 2. *heartpain*. boy and i didn't buy it cuz we already have the 5 people you meet in heaven.
Today boy helped me out at the flea market! seriously the crowd aint that good but i did manage to sell stuffs out! *happy*. due to not much crowd, the organzier will be doing a refund. lol. good thing is near my house so we practically use 10 minc to cheong home! by right ends at 5pm, but by 4 we left le. freaking hot can!
okay i'm off to rest le. woke up at 8am on a sunday! zzz! hope this week will be a better and less tiring week! i wan to faster finish reading dear john!!!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
this sentence have been in my head since day 1 of attachment till now! will most probably be with me throughout my life. haha! in school we are taught do this way is correct, do that way not correct but we have no idea y that way is wrong!
my supervisor dun tell mi which is correct which is wrong. I must say i learn a lot as a software engineer even though is like the 7th week. He taught me a lot that is out of the book. or even if in the book but i never use before. not bad ba i believe all this stuffs i learn is good for my FYP. i'm sure.
anyway next monday 5 new comers is coming in. woo~ i guess another 2 guys will be joining us for lunch. haha! next friday is off day cuz we're going back to school~ xlb buffet after that. long weekend next weekend. haha!
this weekend i'm atending a flea market to sell my stuffs! boy is helping me out. haha! *praying for good sales*. okay night! =).
i guess i'll miss my life now once i'm back to being a student.first time enjoying cny without tutorials + online lectures and etc. the feeling is so so worries of make up lesson and etc and you're paid for your public holidays lor. lol.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Thursday - 18th Feb 2010
Company dinner at resort world singapore. i really think that place so so only. those who really wan to go and take a look go on weekday night. no point squeezing with people on weekend la. cuz really nth much. lol. best is dun go unless u wan to go the casino for now.
i sat xin lei's car that day. i didn't know he and my supervisor drive the same model car except different colour. yes they are best friends. lol. we sat off at 6:30pm but at 6:00pm i took my bag and stand there wait le. LOLOL! bryan, jimmy and tony set off first very early lor!
who knows we reach first. damn -_-". cuz we not sure which floor it is when we reach hard rock hotel. lol. call them and ask where are they, they tell us they still trying to park. oh ya, the car park there is like a MAZE! damn freaking big la. -_-". everything is underground there. even after that we went to took shuttle bus back to vivo, also got to walk below. lol.
sat beside supervisor that day. lol. total 10 of us. by right james not sitting with us de cuz he's rank higher will be asked to sit with other people but end up he sit with us. so we never leave space for ming jie. ><. seriously he should join us cuz he's the singer for the company lor.
our table! capricorn! y not scorpio? lol. anyway the rooms there all name under horoscopesalso. lolx.
first song of the night is sang by him. lol.
this is damn -_-". gives what oranges and hong bao when is already 5th day of cny. -_-".
the neat and nice one which become very scary after that. LOL. this luo hei is the most havoc one i've tried before. remember i saying cny lunch that time we luo already. that time quite neat la. maybe cuz we weren't really crowding around the table. this time is so havoc! hahaha!
see the big patch of damp cloth at the left side! is cause by jimmy la! we just start to luo and that happens! cuz those opposite him going to attack him with the luo hei stuff, he saw something flying over his head so he siam, then knock into pei zhen then pei zhen knock down the orange juice. LOLOL. when he was trying to make it cleaner, he put his cup of tea on top on the cloth, james go and push it. double wet lor!!
mini buddha jump over wall. seriously i dunno how to appreciate it. lol.
they were looking at the big screen when there's a small tv infront showing exactly the same thing as the screen behind. LOL! damn pai seh can!
lobster with foei gras. but we can't find any of it la!
pan fried nian gao! zzz! they serve it with mandrain oranges. -_-".
meet up with esther, claire and yy after work. i went home first to take book to libray to extend. end up actually no need bring the books there to extend as long you got the card can already. wth! i even got caught in the rain and feeling retarded after that. zz!
Sunday - 21th Feb 2010
Sunday, February 21, 2010
now i'm trying to use some other ways to store my photos instead. If not i'm gonna change shift already. blog url remais then the past maybe give it another url then. -_-". i thought it suppose to be like unlimited or something??
okay updates soon. gonna rest early. back to work tml. i feel that i did not work at all this whole week! the 3 days back at work is like nua-ing and waiting for time to pass cuz still in cny mood! cannot continue like that le. must make sure i do something from tml onwards! okay night! updates soon.
Saturday, February 20, 2010

boy was asking mi whether i got this dress tat patricia mok is wearing. he saw this poster few days back at bus stop. it was the dress i wear on chu san to supervisor house and my gfs' house! so zhun la got same dress as her! actually i never intend to wear that on chu san. weather was too hot and the dress i wanted to wear is kinda thick. therefore wear something more casual. lol.
Tuesday - 16th Feb 2010
3rd day of cny! such a busy day! woke up kinda early compared to other days! meetig colleague at bukit batok then take train down to woodlands. destination is my supervisor's condo at woodlands. zhi wei, tony, jimmy and i went to eat kfc at causewaypoint for lunch. took bus to supervisor house after that.
xin lei was already there for 1 hour. haha! after we reached, the rest slowly reached le. we were watching some stephew chow show on scv. haha! kana push to play mahjong. played all the way till 5pm. LOL! but we never play money. just play for fun and learn a lot from them.
my supervisor is the fastest one to arrange the tiles sia! he still tell us he's the slowest among his family members. i'm always the last. LOL.
i did win 2 rounds. 1 at the very start. When i told them last game, the last game i won. haha! james send tong and mi to bukit batok. actually send mi all the way to esther's house le. hehe. thanks!
Oh the most funny part of the day is, i forgot how to go esther's house. cuz james drop mi at my secondary sch and its been a long time since i walk from there to esther's house. i went to the next block instead. good thing never go and knock people house. cuz once i reach that floor i find it weird.
So i called her and ask her what is her block exactly. when i finally reach her house, her mother, brother and her bf yq was there. i was so pai seh. HAHAH! cannot stop laughing. esther was so zz by it(i used to everyday sit below her house de playground to wait for her). LOL. thats how i'm close to her whole family anyway. lol.
her dad ask all of us to bring our bf next year. LOL! he asked y only esther bring, we should all bring. LOLOL. -_-". he hide before something and scare us. cuz we were busy doing dunno what didn't know he just came back.
pictures time! took pictures with esther's polaroid also! hehe.

see we already know the position of each of us during esther's wedding. HAHA! we are prepared. ^_^.

weee~love polaroid. Anyway we had a draw to see who get which. esther decorate it for us and pass to us. (now is in my wallet le). haha!
stayed till around 7pm. YQ was driving his brother car that day. He was our driver for the day. haha! he drove us to claire's house! =). we have to drive slowly. very scare the car's tyre will puncture. behind sit 5 person. the suspension fo the car too low. we go pass hump damn slowly! haha.
at claire's house! =). we weren't hungry lor. but we still eat a lot of cny goodies. her house's cny goodies are never bought! is all made by her or her aunt. damn nice!

nana's house next! reached her house at like 9pm?
we had our renuion dinner there. is really very homely~her mum prepare the dinner for us but her whole family went out le. claire help to heat up the food for us. hehe!

went to the kitchen 3 times to refill the soup lor! really very nice! and i think we all very kua zhang. eat a lot la!! the veggie we clear all. kung ba pao also. except mutton which is by right suppose to be clear by nana(since she dun eat pork). lol.
is a simple yet so nice dinner. really renuion dinner! we should have it every year lor. by the time her parents came back we almost done with our dinner le. haha!

we learned few new games from yq lor. damn nan ting names. sa-ki-pe. still got Broke 8 Broke 9(in hokkien). we end our day with playing black jack. yes with money!
first round huat liao! ban luck. mi and claire. LOL!

hahaha! anyway dun care the orange. this is a tradition from last year. learn from esther. she use it to bua the cards before opening. -_-". This time i accidentally saw her use orange to bua yq's botak head. only i saw la. give her the sianz 1/2 face after that. LOL.
played till 12am before yq send us home! won around 5 dollars tha night. hehe.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
CNY eve! i had renuion lunch with my family instead of dinner this year. but actually the steamboat is there for whole day! haha! so i ate with mum first, very late at night then i go home with boy to clear the rest.
before going over to meet boy.
met gl first at bedok to lend his lecture notes. lol. waited for boy at tamp and headed to his grandma place.
after the renuion dinner at his uncle's provision shop for the renuion dinner. i realise is the 3rd time i ate renuion dinner wit him. time flies! his uncle drove all of us back to his house. slacked there awhile before going back to boon lay.
we reached my house around 10pm. Eat again! omg! damn full can! but we still stuff a lot of things down our stomach. clear all the steamboat ingredients. -__-"
just on new year eve i had 2 steamboats + 1 normal meal renuion dinner.
Sunday - 14th Feb 2010
Happy new year and also Happy valentine day!
this year not visitin my paternal side as the house my grandparents stay ever since my grandpa pass away. My ah ma went cruise with my uncle anyway. So i'm left with maternal side to visit. more relax now cuz i can sleept till quite late.
boy and i waited below my biao ge's house (few blocks away) for him and his family to come down. He fetch us to my aunt house. ^_^.
eat again at there. but good thing not steamboat. phew~ lol.
before they go off..
all of us being taken care of the same women! hahah! my aunt! 3 generation here.from left, mi, joanne(biao jie's daughter), MY BROTHER! ( I KNOW A LOT OF THEM WAN TO SEE HOW MY BROTHER LOOK LIKE! LOLOL. riko still thought he's my bf when she saw mi and him walking together, anyway he tan himself before cny la arbo u think my family all tan one except mi. lol, my aunt hugging jing yan(biao ge's son) and yvoone(biao jie's daughter). behind us is biao jie and biao ge. lol.
3 generation( my mum generation, my generation, and my niece and nephew generation). lol.
Around 5 we left and went JP!
took some pictures with the pinky lion at jp.
we watched percy jackson and the lightning thief! interesting show i must say. about all the greek gods and their children. nice!
we went for dinner and then think whether to go acarde to get that toy we have been aiming for quite long! since is cny we decide to try our luck and we got it!
is the stupid jackpot machine. need to scope sweet and then slowly raise the bar till it reach the top! damn kan cheong! but once we got jackpot, the one next to us also. is his 2nd time lor!
the toy we want and a super big pack os sweets! -_-' didn't know got so many until boy scoop till he ask me can give back the sweets anot. -_-".
we saw ee khoon and his gf when we about to leave JP. he and boy talk for awhile. his gf and him got stunt by the packets of sweet we holding! is so heavy la!! LOL!

is a damn long day.
Oh yea we gambled last night! win money. LOL! took polariod pictures too! very nice but i dun intend to get polaroid camera cuz the one i wan(which esther has and i played with it), the hole to see through it, is at the damn right corner! i took 1 picture of esther and yq end up they appear to be at the most left of the picture! sianz 1/2.
tml is company dinner at resort world! woo hoo! i'm koping extra tickets from company i guess. wanted to buy for boy then we go together( cuz i reckon tml after dinner who will go universal theme park to walk 1 round when is like freaking 11pm). so i gonna ask who dun wan and pass it to me. OH yes the preview tickets are SOLD OUT lor. zzz! they only limit certain number of visitors i guess to prevent overcrowding. -_-".