met up with judy and jennifer for dinner! we had something light before proceeding to have desserts at benten. woot finally try their big desserts. always try their small one finally got chance to try their big tub of ice cream. still got bigger de.
had something light at delifrance!
this xiao jie talk too much during dinner. end up both of us eat finish stare at her lor. HAHA! no la not she talk too much is she too long never online got many stories never tell us. to her real life say is much better and exciting. haha!
the ice cream we had. is call the challenger! lol!
however is full of cornflakes!
Friday - 5th Feb 2010
meet up with boy after work for dinner! we had dinner at tampinese manpuku! okay now they won't give u the card le. so it doesn't works like marche system. haha!
prawn omelette rice!
we had ice cream after that!
boy got himself another new year top. =).
back home, got nth better to do so i tried his new year top! hahahha!
me and pink panther! yea he surprise me during dinner with this pink panther he bought on his nights out. so cute!! thanks boy! Loves~~
Saturaday - 6th Feb 2010
dl-ed hachiko the night before. watched it today.

cried like mad for the last 1/2 hour of it. -_-". i used towel to wipe de lor! damn touching~~~
we went chervon then back to JP to watch 14 blades. before going into the theatre saw clair and vic. they were watching this movie too. lol.

bought my cny bag + 1 more dress. cuz i realise i need 3 instead of 2 after some caculation. lol. -_-"
i need to do so many things tml!
1) change bedding + clean cage for hammie
2) write logbook
3) appointment at 5pm to do up my nails for cny!
oh yea and need to stock up cny goodies at home! shall do it somewhere in the middle of the week ba!
i shall end this entry with my pink panther~
da lang~ da lang~ da lang da lang da lang da lang~
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