Friday - 14th January 2011
USS trip! Boy paid for my tickets to USS! =). Or should i say all of my expenses inside. =) Oh ya, there's a place which sells slightly cheaper tickets! So approach me to ask if you wanna know. Lazy to say here cuz dun think all of them know the place. lol.
Anyway the trip is planned by him and his friends. I was in hk at that time so he did the coordinating with his friends, and getting of the tickets. =). Thanks my dearest! =).
I met boy at habour front at around 9am. We were late and wilson and felicia were at Macdonalds already waiting for us. I took train to wrong direction somemore. Took the north east line towards pungool instead of habour front. I was on the phone with boy, cuz he came from Dhoby Ghaut. So by right i'm supposed to 'hop' onto the same train as him. But i heard the train closing sound over the phone, then thinking y my here dun have the train closing sound. Then i realise i was in the wrong train.
Boy laughed at me saying i wan to go chinatown to find ah tiongs. -___-".
Had a light breakfast at Mac cuz i scare i might puke. LOL! Ate the sausage macmuffin burger and hashbrown only.
Reached USS around 10++am. Took the tickets to exchange for the retail vouchers+meal vouchers. There were quite a bit of crowd at the entrance but most of them were tourists. We were afraid of the long queues and etc but all the rides we queued for less than 15 mins. =))).

We went to Far Far Away first. Pass by Magadascar cuz there's nth much to see at Magadascar.

At here, we sat our first ride. Which is a small roller coaster. Enchanted Airways. Okay la i must say even though is a short roller coaster ride but is still exciting. LOL. cuz theres nth for you to hold on to. No metal bar infront of you to grab. lol. We only waited like 5-10 minutes for this ride.
Next we went to watch Shrek 4D! The design of the queueing system in USS is very smart in the way that the queueing place is super BIG! I see from outside the shrek 4D thinking y no people. But actually when i walk in right, i still need to walk another 3-4 minutes to join the queue. Is that big lor.

See like a lot people but actually inside can contain a lotttttt of people! There's a story telling before you go into the theatre to enjoy the 4D. So call a sequeal to it. Tell you that fiona got capture to a dungeon by the stupid ghost, then shrek went to save her. =).
The story telling is around 10 minutes. The 4D ride around 15 minutes. =). There's no safety precaution at all. The theatre is freaking big. LOL! Oh and be prepared to get sprayed by water. Not once or twice, but Thrice! The water came from infront and very sudden. Like when the donkey sneeze right, theres water spraying directly at your face and body. zzz!
After this we went for Jurassic Park Rapid Adventure!
We rented a locker for a day! Cuz felicia told us at the indoor roller coaster(return of the mummy), you are not allowed to bring any bags in. They expect you to rent a locker or pass to somebody who are not going to play.
For the Jurrasic Park Rapid Adventure, we bought the raincoat! 2 dollars each! This raincoat is reallyyyyyyy useful! i shall tell you why as i continue blogging. Just remember to buy! lol.

Okay this ride is u sit on this round 'boat' and we all sat in a circle. Kinda exciting! Cuz at first you go through the ride seeing all the dino, then suddenly there's high current and etc telling you that something went wrong. Then they took you to this FREAKING DARK TUNNEL! And inside the tunnel it last for quite long. And i dunno what happen inside cuz i close my eyes all the way and when i open right, is still DARK lor. -_-". Boy told me got dinos looking at you wanting to eat you up.
The finale was they bring your 'boat' to a high point. You can feel you are rising And there's this super screeching sound produced by the dino ON TOP of you. I didn't notice the dino on top of us until my boat landed the next moment.
After you go on top, i dunno how but the boat slide down the next moment. AND WE GOT WET! LOL! Okay la heng got the raincoat if not is whole body wet de lor. My hair was wet cuz i never cover my head in time with the hoodie of the raincoat. LOL! But is also heng suay la only boy and me the direction kana the water. Fel and wilson sitting opposite us never kana the water.
After getting wet, we decide to sit something to dry ourselves. We went to put our raincoat back into the locker first.
So sit roller coaster is the best way to dry yourself.
We went for Revenge Of The Mummy!
Is fun! Oh ya and also got to walk supppperrr long way in sia cuz there wasnt as much people. This indoor roller coaster is cool in the way that it brings you to a point at the starting then it go backwards. We were sitting in the front row somemore. LOL! You will see something nice at the starting part. All the voices, statues and etc. There's even fire and you can feel the heat.
The speed of the roller coaster is freaking fast. lol.
After revenge of the mummy, we queued for Canopy Flyer. Actually quite dumb one the ride. But is fast so is exciting. lol. Even though it just goes one round and u see people sit like very relax. It can be exciting too. oh and they will ask you to sit on your own slippers cuz you won't wan your slippers to land somewhere below.

yup is a 4 seater thingy.

Queuing for it. This ride we spend most time queueing for it de.
After this ride, we pass by
Waterworld and see the timing for the show.
2:30pm. Okay by the time we settled down in
Goldilocks to have our lunch, is around 1:30pm. Just nice eat finish go for the show. So people going USS, remember the show time for Waterworld is
2:30pm and

We found a cosy seat to have our lunch using the meal vouchers given!

Papa Bear Combo(3 piece chicken) and Mama Bear Combo(2 Piece Chicken). Paid around $12 dollars after using the meal vouchers. =). The chicken is marinated with thai spices so is like tom yam chicken lor. Not bad quite easy to eat cuz is quite tender. I never used my hand to eat at all but with the forks and knife provided.
There were so many people entering to see Waterworld then actually fret not, the whole place can contain 3300 audience. So the place is freaking big! We werent the earlier ones to enter actually.

Okay here's whereby i say your raincoat that you purchase are worthwhile! If you are the sporty type, feel free to sit at the WET ZONE! (Blue colour seats), or SPLASH ZONE(Green colour seats)
Why do i say that? Cuz right, before the start of the show, the organisers will 'play' with you. They take bucket of water and splash at the audience. LOL! Not once but many many times. Everybody sitting at that sector confirm get wet. Even if you are passing by right, they would chase after you just to get you wet.
We were at the RED ZONE. so won't get wet one. LOL! Many people siam after they realise they will get wet. Many of them open up their umbrellas! -__-".
At 2:30pm, the show started. During the show also very high chance to get wet especially you are at the 'best seats'. lol. Those thing that they ride on, i dunno wat is it call, some scooter that ride on when they make a sudden turn, the amount of water splashing onto the audience is O.O!

Female lead helen.

Anyway is a very nice show with many nice stunts. =). Oh actually there's a movie call Waterworld. LOL! So is adapted from the movie. Boy watched it before on funshion! Story on people trying to find Dryland as they are sick of this waterworld which is caused by the melted ice caps.
Anyway it started to rain HEAVILY after the show ends. ><.We didn't have our raincoats with us cuz it was in the locker. By then it was nearly 3pm. So wilson and felicia decide to run to our locker to get the raincoats for us. Boy and i ran around 3/4 and stop by a pathetic shelter. Got our whole body wet! Wilson and fel walked pass us without knowing then got to call them and then they u-turn back with our raincoats! With the raincoats on defintely feel good! So the raincoat helps you when is raining and you dun wanna waste time waiting for the rain to go away instead go and take more rides!
But we felt damn cold la! Wanting to dry ourselves we went to sat THREE times Return Of The Mummy! Which is the indoor roller coaster. I repeat THREE times! There wasnt any queue! LOL! Cuz of the rain and i've no idea where those people go.
And during the ride, you can feel some heat as there's fire around you. So is damn shiok lor especially when we feel so cold!
We know where the camera will take photo of us so..we started making weird pose! LOL! There's once boy looks like he has fall asleep! LOL!
So after that, we decide to go watch Donkey Live!

Hair still wet! Boy asked me to take photo and show him how his hair look like now!

Okay is like shrek 4D, there's a sequel to it first. The person came to make us high, then we went in. I'm quite amaze by the animation and the donkey talking to you. Donkey picked a girl in the front row. Then asked who she came with, then she came with her bf. So donkey make them married in the theatre! LOL! He make them say "I do" to each other. wth! Donkey make us play "Donkey Says"..
We wanted to go for the Jurassic Park Rapid Adventure again(the one where you'll get wet), but is under maintenance.
So next we went for King Julien's Beach Party-Go-Round!
Hmm there's no queue for it too so ya..just hop on and try!

We decide to watch Waterworld again at 5:30pm! LOL! I really make my $$ worth while! But is still early so we went for Shrek 4D again!

This time smart liao, we know whats going to happen next and etc. And we even sat the first row! LOL! Okay by the time whole thing ended, is nearly 5:30pm. So we rushed to
Waterworld!After watching Waterworld, We walked around to take some photos. Actually all along i had my camera with me. Yup thats the only thing i carry around. lol.

Wanted to try the Canopy Flyer again but lazy to queue for it. So we tried

Riding on those dinos behind me!
Okay is actually a ride for kids but yup it allows 2 adults to squeeze into it and there's many adults taking this ride too!
So we make our way to the Sci-Fi passing by Ancient Egypt first.

The only ride we never took. But is about sitting on the jeep and i dunno where they send you to la. lol.

Cant believe i sat this for a total of
FOUR times!

Okay we reached Sci-Fi and saw the roller coaster thats not ready yet. Emo! Oh and Sci-Fi looks like you are in Tron!
We sat Accelerator when we were there! The only ride available at Sci-Fi!

The concept is the same as tea-cup! There wasnt much people so we were the one making a lot of noise! Because you can actually control how fast you wan the whole thing to keep turning round and round. Just remember to keep turning the white round disk in the middle when it started!
I think our 'tea-cup' spin the most vigourously! We laugh all the way! But we were all giddy once the whole thing stop. Got to settle down before making a move. lol.

After leaving Sci-Fi, we are back to Hollywood! Our last attraction to visit was
Lights, Camera, Action! The show was at 7pm.

Anyway it showed you how special effects in flim are being make. Very nice and interesting. At the end got this stupid big ship cheong-ing in and then everything stop. All of the stuffs slowly went back to position. lol.
We make our way back to The Lost World to get our stuff! But we were blocked at Far Far Away as they do not wan visitors to go in anymore. So boy and wilson went to get our stuffs while fel and i waited. But who knows The Lost World staff return our thing to Lost & Found! -__-". So we got to make our way to the entrance there to get it back!
After getting it back, we went to shop for souvenirs! By 8pm we reached Vivocity. Dine in at marche and home sweet home! Oh yea and if you are into fireworks, there's fireworks display at 9:30pm on fri, sat and sunday i guess. lol. The lost&found staff ask us to stay and watch the fireworks but we can't be bothered with it.

Goodbye USS! I'll be back when the roller coaster opens! And the magadascar crate adventure!