hmm seriously no mood to go school..feel so lost..maybe 2 months since i step into SP..lolx..really damn long..
was kinda late actually..haha..lectures was zz..first4 hours..same venue..but different lecturer..i tell u those lecturers are just repeating everything on the powerpoint slides..all the mining..all those..-_-'..and the 2nd lecturer was worse..telling us history..zz..on medical informatics??i suppose so..he have us a break..we all stayed outside the lecture room to talk..:X..haa..
lunch time..everywhere is damn full..and 6 of us..mi,manda,vic,clair,beng and wilson we go the chicken rice 6 plates of rice..and 2 big plates of chicken..3 go along with our rice..haha..kinda fun..lolx..they took one big bowl of chilli..-_-"..first time we do such first we sitll wan to call the uncle give us 1 big chicken..haha..
after lunch was some practical lesson at one lu place..zz..and it ended at 2:30pm..the practical was damn boring lah..everyone was..sleeping..HAHAA..buai ta like so damn sleepy..and he giving us those LAME test..ARGH..and he say next week..we go there hand in the tutorial..can go le..:X..hehe..i'll wait..
went to play pool with qian,manda,vic,clair,beng and went down was raining damn heavily..poor vic and clair was they VROOM there..and get a bit lost..and he is making those..BUURRRR sound..cuz damn cold..haha..i played 2 each of us pay $1.50 nia..the place like FLH fans sia..keep playing FLH song..haha..but play many nice song..busy singing nia..haha..
went eat ice cream after so cold but everyone eat ice cream..haha..ate mac fury..yum yum..went home after that..
called brenda when i reached jp..thinking she reached jp liao..but then she told mi..she doing OT below are some pool pictures we took..haha..kinda fun time..thanks beng and wilson for teaching mi..lolx..


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