was being woke up when i took a nap just now around 8 plus.wanted to sleep around 30 mins end up less than 15 mins i'm being woke up.-_-".by my mum.ROAR.and she asked mi some lame questions.was damn angry lah.feeling damn tired after facing the com for a long time and squeezing my brain juice to try to come up something for the abstract.so decided to take a nap first and continue doing after that.who knows she came to wake mi up.-_-".
went to bathe after that and got some inspirations after that and finished the abstract part. jia you qian and marvin for your part. did some citation just now too.our reference page is just so er xin.LOLX. so much citation to be done.
tml gonna practise lab test with the girls. and probably heading down to bugis to eat the fish slice bee hoon for dinner.hehe.craving for that recently cuz weather has been very cold. today saw pink and white flowers on the way home again. i was like "eh not long ago i saw it le"..cuz i remember i post before in my blog.refer to nov 13 2006 entry. nowonly July the flowers drop liao.-_-".

night all.=).bb.
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