thanks shir,qing yu and li hua for buying the indonesia food from NUS for us..yummy~~..and it saves us the time to queue from our own sp foodcourt..lunch time is flooded with lots and lots of pple..><.
lessons were long..the practical very chim..very tiring..><..after school went to take train with li hua..she hading to doby ghaut to watch harry potter..she's the first to watch harry potter in class lor..hahaha..
so while we were on usual talking about yu le bai feng bai..xiao zhu..then we saw this guy..dun wanna mention his school here..they one whole bunch came into the first they were talking..who 3rd in maple in class..i was like o.O?-_-"..then they start to discuss who top few in class...they got how many As..from the above your know they from one of the top schools in singapore..
so here comes the interesting hua cuz of our angle of elevation is she see things different angle from mi..she saw this very interesting thing lah..if not for what she saw..i won't be laughing like -_-"..haha..(not meant to bastard u li hua..i love u..muackz..)..
there's this wordings on the file on one of the guys there..he used liquid first li hua i see her keep staring in one direction..i ask her what thing..she say..something very wen first thought was..emo things written on the file??so i turn my head over..and see..i thought is some lyrics..or some tv those famous phrases we always write on books/foolscape cover..but is something the guy came out with..

i was like OMG lah when i saw that..very hua keep laughing..then i tried to take the above picture..:X..while she..took out one text book..flip to one page..and copy the words down..HAAA..she say gonna use that liao..confirm 1st in class liao..:X..HAHHAA..i was telling li hua many different ways of using this phrase lah..gosh..>< one in the word is lu-er than him..
li hua alight at raffles while i headed to bugis to find esther..went to find her..sat at bio therm there for around 1 hour..hahaha..yeap..while waiting for 6:15..then she can go off..yup..she throw many testers into my bag..><..thanks wor..haha..we went to have dinner at pasta mania..then drink bubble tea..and she accompanied mi to collect my black skinnies..walked around..and headed home around 10..=)..
gonna sleep now..night all..tml gonna watch harry potter..and night eat all..

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