The day of their POP they woke up around midnight to had their 24km route march. The plan was to march finish,come back, rest awhile march into the parade square.
Cougar is the one standing behind.
My boy told mi he didn't know got so long. -_-". is the longest among the 6 company la. lol.
warming down exercise..
okay i never took picture of the guest of one madam of sembawang GRC..quite friendly..saw her in tv shows before..she's a lawyer..appear in the xuan yi feng show..the nu ren da zhu yi..yup..
They march out, put down their field pack and etc..come back with only themselves..
Behind is cougar..infront i not sure..but is consist of 2 company..they jogging in..
Yanshan(his sec sch buddy,which is also his section mate now),his buddy and him.
and we saw this very long lost friend of ours, kim guan. yes maple friend.

Less than awhile, time for parents to go down to wear the hat for their sons..thats when the commotion trying to find their son cuz all look the same..and my boy have already told his mum and mi where he'll be standing..and he say he'll be wearing contact
His mum helping him to wipe his sweat..

After we went back, they start to perform the BMTC sch 1 roar or something like that for cheer actually..wanted to video record..but it ended quite fast..lolx..
Last but not least, the moment they waiting for..
haha! i use my camera i've to slowly zoom in to find him lor. most of the time i ask him to find himself then show mi.
cougar is the last to leave. so got damn lotsa time to take picture.
with his section mates and his Sergeant.
His buddy and him.
and we saw this very long lost friend of ours, kim guan. yes maple friend.
Before leaving tekong, took some scenery pics.

kz night! my steam boat with my ex colleague is push forward to tml night. shall bring my camera there. haha! they sure zz cuz they dun like taking pics. pei yun is driving us there tml. off to watch my VK guilty. damn nice! finish all my taiwan shows so now is anime time. hehe!
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