i wasn't feeling really well in the day but still went ahead for the steamboat. cab down back to office to meet them. this is the 2nd time i cab down. the first time was first day to work. lol. this time the driver more pro ba. walk shorter road.
once i go in the gate many of them saw mi. lol. faster run to the office. almost walk wrong way. -_-". talk to a few of them sitting outside de. outside was still raining. zzz! wait for the 4 xiao jies to pack hao and go. pei yun went ahead first cuz she went to start up her car. yea black mitsubishi lancer. manual car somemore. lol.
i went to say hi and bye to angie before going off. often see her at JP. lol. total 5 of us set off to bugis. overall pei yun driving skill not bad la. but can be improved. sometime she can do dangerous stunt. anyway her car is manual de. she's super concentrated. ask us dun talk to her. haha! she listen to us talk can le. pass by around 2 ERP gantry. and need to pass by 1 more before reaching. we make a wrong turn at the expressway. therefore have to change route. -_-".
No money to pass by the last ERP gantry lor. So sandy and mi go bugis junction top up her cashcard for her while they park somewhere outside.
finally done. faster drive to the steamboat area. ya the small small lane very hard to drive though. manage to find parking slot. and ya parking time require the rest of us to help her see. LOL. zzz! everytime change lane also got to help her see. zz!
Here comes the steamboat. overall really nice. i forget the name of it. but is 20 bucks per person. Give up 1 paper we tick tick tick pass back to them they give us the ingredient. lol.

In clockwise direction: seeling,sook mei,pei yun,sandy
Headed off for some desserts. 3 of us had mango sago while 2 of them had some rock sugar with something de ba. their one give mi the feeling eat liao complexion very good that kind. lol.
Mango sago and the very 'bu' thing. lol.

pics taken during dessert time. sandy took my that face using her hp. lol. anyway they have been saying my face become more sharp le compared to 3 months ago they see mi. must be the stress from sch. and is the 2nd time people praise my camera very chio. *grins* sandy regret not buying my camera. haha! she go buy another one( i dunno what brand) but cost her $269. during boy's pop, his buddy also praise my camera. lol.

pics taken during dessert time. sandy took my that face using her hp. lol. anyway they have been saying my face become more sharp le compared to 3 months ago they see mi. must be the stress from sch. and is the 2nd time people praise my camera very chio. *grins* sandy regret not buying my camera. haha! she go buy another one( i dunno what brand) but cost her $269. during boy's pop, his buddy also praise my camera. lol.
Back to peiyun's car and off we went sending 1 by 1 home. lol. This time we finally go the correct way. i think is AYE. -_-". pass by the expressway which can see singapore flyer.

Last of all, sandy and mi. =).
thanks girls for the treat and of cuz pei yun for sending mi to my house downstairs. =). jia you during work. your really need to pass by this. times are really hard. take care!
i'm thinking ecp or sentosa with boy this weekend. hmm..
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