that emo girl nana didn't know i coming. lolol. surprise her. i even ask esther to help mi buy bubble tea first. but yy and her bluff nana that is yy wan drink de. LOL! and she really tio pian. super easy to get bluff especially by esther. esther LOVES to bluff her. =X. then see her expression when she pek cek is funny lor. just like what esther did to edlyn her youngest sis.
at first wanted to eat cheese fries from kfc. then nvm since nana wan shaker fries we go mac. esther bluff nana again! this time bluff her say cheese fries out of stock. LOL! we went to mac, nana saw her cousin here. esther say is the bf. LOL. that guy only secondary sch la. he gave us free stuff. =X. free 1 cup of milo, and 2 apple pie. sinful! we shared 1 large fries. then mi and esther eat the apple pie. while yy eat her nuggets.
so we started talking about secondary sch thing. remember i was saying about esther and mi went to the army open house in 2002 cuz of her fling. LOL. i can't remmeber how he look like and she only remember vaguely. lolx. and if not for mi telling her got such thing happen, she would have already forgotten. lol. so we decide to go home dig out stuff to see what interesting thing/neocards/neo prints we can find. i just went to dig. OMG! many many things. lol. esther found one 2001 NEO CARD. OMG! i flip through mine i can only see earliest is 2002. -_-". got 2001 but is not tken with her le. if she going scan that and put on"..
shall bring all my findings the next meeting with them which is yy birthday..less than 2't wait to share all our findings. whahah! i really found many crap..they are really nice memories la. when we were younger, we did more havoc thing..dunno y now life so boring.. -_-" like when u look back..u will think last time more havoc thhan now..maybe 10 years down the road..i will find my life now more happening too..we shall see..
sad that last time no blog or what la..not even a place to write down..if there will be nice to look back and laugh at ourselves..
is weird though cuz we did seperate before..and came back like sec1 i was with them..sec 2 half way i'm not with them..but i did went ZOO with them..when NANA didn't go..-_-"..conflict with her..then sec 3 i'm back to them cuz i was in the same class with few of them till sec 4..poly days i was busy..and after that we are back so often again...hehehe..i guess is really fate ba..if people ask how come can friend so long for 8 years going 9..u really never think before de..just year pass by year..then blink eyes..9 years
kz such a long post..end with my sunday DIY hair session..dye my hair on sunday..whahaha..hand super suan from massaging la..-_-"..
kz night poeple. so tired now. -_-". lab lesson tml and i'm going pia home to do A LOT of things. busy weekend ahead. hope got lesser art homework this week.
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