Sat - 19 sep 2009
watched ugly truth with boy at jp. nice show! had a great laugh. hehe.
had our dinner and my boy got mi a new wallet. advanced birthday present. since by the time he back from his overseas exercise is already my birthday. shall ask esther to contact him asap to claim the $$ for the crumpler bag. lol. good thing there's 10 dollars discount on the wallet. if not i might not wan him to buy cuz is nearly $100.
pink is love.
Sunday - 20 sep 2009
happy birthday yy! celebrated her birthday for her in cini lesiure suki sushi.
her present was at my house for a few days. i met esther like 6 plus. the rest all reach like 8pm. esther got to come down from bugis as she's working there that day. by the time i at citihall she haven even change out from her biotherm attire. lol. then so just nice that darwis in art friend asking us what size of the paint we want to buy. so i went to art friend to find him. (we almost killed each other there). stay there for 1/2 hour by then esther reach art friend to find mi also le. after buying bid farewell to darwis. he help mi bring home the paint.(who ask him stay orchard).
esther and mi went to paragon de canele to buy cake! yeah! good thing darwis remind us paragon got that shop if not we got to walk to shaw house le and head back to cini. -_-".
we slowly walk to cini after everything is done, even drank bubble tea lol. good thing both of us went early cuz there's no seat for 7 of us. -_-". got to wait. wait and wait finally got le, that few also haven come. -___-". super pro draggers. around 8 plus they come then we faster order those 99 cents plate le. lol.
btw before we took a self timer group shot, my camera fell down. from around 30cm. never spoil. cuz when it reach the ground, the lens auto close le to prevent damage. but but got soya sauce went in but never go in deeply. cuz take the photos still as clear. now everyday i got to wipe it. cuz still got soya smell. -_-"
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