Friday 04 sep, after my lesson i went jp to wait for my boy. he booked out straight from the army open house venue. he went to my house to bathe and changed before coming out to meet mi at jp. i went to trim my hair and got the hair dye while waiting for him. lol. bought tickets for g-force. hehe. but the show at 9:20pm. we had our dinner at the new restaurant at jp 2nd level. used to be billy bombers there. now there's this european restaurant there.
But it sells german food, italian and spanish food. chapalang. lol. we both had italian pasta. boy had mixed seafood thing. the portion kinda big. worth it! cuz it cost around $10. i had the prawn agolio thing. is kinda dry. but they give mi lots of breaded prawn. lol. nice!
we went home, slacked and go back to jp again for our movie. hehe.
nice show! haha. guinea pigs are so cute!! didn't watch it in 3d. dun think will make a lot of difference. lol. is a super serious show la. they are on misson and etc. in the show guinea pigs can do so many things human cannot do. -_-". and there's 1 hammie inside. LOL. care a lot about his own territory de. super xiang my 2 hamsters sia. lolx. selfish one. =X. wan to have the whole cage to itself. and hide a lot of food!! lolx. okay my hammie dun hide food cuz they know nobody snatch with them and thats y explain y they are pui.
the movie kinda short. 1.5 hours.
Sat 05 Sep. happy anniversary. =). woke up. i went toilet. on the way back to my room..i saw something interesting in my brother room..faster call boy to come and one at home except us..all go work le..
this stich is so cute! all along i see it sitting there le. but never go near it and touch. i wanna trade the chip and dale he give mi (which i left it in the living room) for this sia. i shall steal it from him and put it in my room in future. lol.
okay thats not the main point. lol. saw this boxes even from outside his room. he put it on top his cupboard. i saw the world TRANSFORMERS then my eyes *bling bling*. lol.
finally found it. in his cupboard. suddenly got this 2 things so obvious.
my favourite BUMBLEBEE!! my boy and i was so high la. so we took it out. yes without his permission. i confirm if i touch his things he won't know. so i took it out, and yan jiu it. it was heavy la! below it was actually the robot version of it. damn nice!! my boy and i figured it out for very long. and we dunno how to make it. -_-". from the description of the box, it got braking sound, and it's front lights of the car and back lights can be on de.., it can say :" let's roll out" and "take down the decepticons" so power la. and many more functions. wth!
i shall find one day for him to demo to mi lor. -_-". i just taught him how to fold paper stars. lol. i wonder how much he bought it for cuz the price tag was tear away. scare my mum kpkp him.
below is his optimus prime. cost $109.50. cannot make any noise de. no much function. really can't imagine his bumblebee how much.
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