met up with my prudential agent this afternoon for a short while. talk around 1 hour before i left to get quite a lot of stuff. going to meet her next week again. bought pink beddings for my hammie! whahah! yes very ex! but but is cuz i know my friends are coming over for steamboat so i decide to use pink beddings. lol. the more ex but able to absorb more smell beddings. lol.
on a lighter note, boy is going to off from this thur to next friday when he left for his overseas training. =). after he's gone i got so much things to pia. -__-".
pictures of qian's 21st party..

the small balcony we at really freaking hot. after they 2 finish hanging all the words, they practically sweat like mad.

got to use needle and thread to make all the letters together..

almost done..

yea the theme is blue and yellow that explain our attire..hehe..


outside her house.

group photo. =).

her very starry birthday cake. her favourite stars~

dbe people.

'j' fan club and the birthday girl.

her family members.

her relatives.
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