Friday after work went town to meet boy. =). finally a day to relieve stress after going through what a stress-to-max week! stress is gonna be with me for this 1 month or so at least.
Anyway i finally got my royce chocolate from ion! =). damn happy cuz i really needed something to relieve stress! wanted to go and place order for my adidas watch strap but by the time i remember it, we went over, it was 8.06pm. the shop already closed. wth! it close exactly 8pm sharp! zzz! got go go back there another day i guess. long weekends coming so i guess need to head down again.
got to open up many many layers till i finally get to eat the chocolate. zz!

took like 5-10 mins to open it up. lol.
yummy chocolate! but can't eat too much at a time. haha!
me and boy on sat before heading out for dinner.
i've been spending my whole week to watch vampire diaries! omg. watch it like somewhere in the middle of the week first episode. got nightmare that night dreaming that my hamsters bite me. -_-". thanks to judy recomendation that i cheong all the episodes la!
watched a few episode with boy on sat and i cheong all the rest today!
the storyline similar to twilight but, this female lead is not so selfish la. There's no werewolves but there's 2 vampires. 1 the good one who don't feed on human blood. the other the bad one that feed on human blood. Damon Salvatore and Stefan Salvatore.
both fell in love with a girl name katherine in 1864. She's a vampire. Manipulate both of them, turned them into vampire. By right lock up deep down and dead, damon who haven forget about her even though it's been 100 over years still love her so much. They finally manage to go to the place, get the witch to unlock it, realise she's not there. the truth is she never even get locked up during that time.
as for stefan salvatore, he's in love with the female lead elena gilbert who looks exactly like katherine. But elena don't have feelings for damon(good thing she don't like him, if not another twilight series though).
okay now i'm stuck there waiting for people to upload every week. wth! season 1 is coming to an end i still have very little idea on whats go on in 1864 when everything happens! -__-". argh~
for now, shall go prepare to sleep and yes long weekend is coming. =). i've not touch anything this weekend except cheonging show. zz!
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