BKK Day 3 started off by taking a big ass selfie! Just a tip, hotel rooms have the best natural lighting and they will turn out to look really good. No filter needed *wink*

#selfie before heading out
Time flies and it's the 2nd last full day in BKK. It's the last full day to do our last minute shopping and run our errands. But first, we had a hearty hotel breakfast to start our day with.
It's our first time eating the poached egg from the hotel breakfast and it taste good. I do prefer poached egg these days and will tend to order that when I'm cafe hopping because I don't really know how to cook it haha.
After our breakfast, it's time for us to do our shopping! We went to a street stall outside Platinum Mall to get the remaining souvenirs done. Not forgetting to customize a passport holder for ourselves.
We've been busy making souvenirs for our friends/colis but could not find a appropriate one for ourselves. We chance upon this shop outside Platinum Mall which sells good quality passport holders so we went ahead and customize our passport holders there. They need to take sometime to finish making our orders, so we went to shop around Platinum Mall first.

A #welfie on our 2nd last day :)
It's the first time during this trip that we step inside Platinum Mall to shop. During all our previous trips, we will go Platinum Mall everyday for shopping. However. this shopping mall has become a low priority place to visit nowadays.
I find the quality/standard of the clothes drop and the variety is just so-so. Maybe I've aged so the fashion sense doesn't seems to appeal to me that much as before. #signsofageing
Feeling happy because this is the first dress I bought after spending 2 days in BKK.
#OOTD taken outside Big C.
We can easily spend an hour or more in Big C Supermarket. The supermarket is easily many times bigger than our NTUC Extra and there's a very wide variety of snacks being sold.
Lots of pocky at a really cheap price.
We had a hard time choosing which flavour of pocky to bring back due to the limited space in our luggage.
In the past, I don't remember they have such baskets for us to pull around. Can't help but to take a photo of it.
My turn to drag the basket around lol.
We also spotted this chilli which was used during our cooking lesson. I regret not buying it back to Singapore though so as to add flavour to our homemade tom yum soup.
It's time for lunch after our snacks shopping. We cross the overbridge back to Central World to have our lunch. Didn't plan what to eat beforehand so we walked around to see what we crave for instead.
Santa Fe Steak @ Central World
They have this combo which seems to be a good deal. Around SGD 10 bucks for a steak meal. Sounds not bad right? However when the food arrived, I was quite disappointed.
This is Derp's combo.
And this is mine. Why the portion so pathetic one? There's no salad being served too :(
Oh well, we get what we pay. Seems like it's still a safer choice to stick to having Thai food when in BKK.
We passed by a department stall in Central World and I was attracted to the Rilakkuma soft toys in there. Even though the variety of Rilakkuma items on sales cannot be compared to items at Ookii Ookii Village, but I can conclude Rilakkuma is popular in BKK all these years :)
Love the background but due to the lighting, I can't get a proper pic taken. This is one of the nicer picture.
I decide to take this chance to go for a quick massage while Derp brings the barang barang back to the hotel. Yay to cheap massages and I finally have the time to do it after 2.5 days in BKK.
I went back to the trusted Thai Massage which I've always patronize. It's just a short distance away from Baiyoke Sky hotel which explains why I love to patronize them.
My masseur who is really good.
I chose to do the legs,arms and shoulder massage for 1 hour. Kind of regret not taking the 1.5 hour massage as I almost fall asleep when the time is up. Total costs is less than 10sgd .
It's best to try your custom made clothes during the collection so they can quickly alter it. If not you will have to alter it yourself/wait for them to come Singapore. It's much more troublesome that way. We've learned our lesson so we make it a point to try during collection.
Previously, we were in a rush to catch our flights. Anyway. only 1 pants need to be further altered so we brought back the rest of the custom made clothes back to our hotel. We will need to go back there on the last day to collect the pants again.
Our sinful tea break that day. We can have the wings everyday because they are so affordable and yummy lol.
Ending off this post with this photo..
All the snacks we bought from Big C! If only we can buy more...
It will just be another 2 entries to end my BKK 2015 travelogue. I'll finish it up really soon! Stay tuned :)
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