haha..yesh slacking..><..have enough sleep i think..10 hours?enough?hmm..then..wake up till now..do nth but on computer..playing new game..LOLX..anyway the game to mi..i dun like lah~~..dun tell mi the whole game hit chicken only lor..kaoz..anyway..did the zakum first part le..haha..ya complete le..second part is jump quest..did try a little..then my boy got to go out..then i eat lunch..eat le then go play the new game till now..nth much to write cuz i didn't go out mah..haha..but i got pictures to post..nice..and retard pictures..hahhaa..><..

mi and my boy..going el nath to go do zakum..anyway the place we at is aquaroad..=)..underwater world..

another picture of us..=)..oh thats bone helmet..he lend mi to wear so as to walk faster..but is like he's walking slower lor..haha..

hmm i think it was quite long ago liao..haha..we was on the way to lego land..=)..

another picture of us..=)..on that day..

zzzz..valciri is clair aka retard of the universe..valfire is tian zhen..cuz of that sentence kana shoot by us for dunno how many days..><

zzzz...how retard clair can be..and how crappy we all are..haha..but its entertaining..i was eating dinner and this happen..-__-"..
kz i am going back conqueor liao..still dun understand y i level so slow..><..yeah..bye..maybe tonight blog again..ya..bb..back to slack slack slack slack..
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