today went sch..i can say everyone see mi was like..i'm not myself..i dun feel like talking much..i look like pale..a walking ghost..lolx..

the amount of tissues i've used today....i can say now..NOW..the dustbin is full..zzz..before i left home is like 1/2 filled..when is empty in the morning when i..just woke up..zzz..
sch was zzz..we thought IBE was supposed to hand in today..but supposed to hand in next time with the other reports..dotz..many pple stayed up late to do it..but our surprise..we dun need to hand in today..zz...then we need to take recording of one of us..mi,wen qian and manda is in the same group..need to make use of the machine to..get our heart beat..i'm the patient today..i even volunteer myself..cuz..i really sick till dun wan to move/talk..just let them apply the er xin gel on mi...and stick electrodes onto mi..lolx..~~..
maths was zzz..i was like stoning all the while..formed into groups..for the PBL 4 of us..happy 3 friends and beaver..lolx..and our group name is happy 3 friends and beaver..LOLX~~..manda is going crazy over it..below is the evidence of it.lolx..

after maths quiz..yeap..took the my boy at..boon lay..waited quite awhile for feet hurts..cuz..of new shoe..thanks for helping mi put the plaster..=)))..anyway couldn't catch a movie today cuz i'm damn sick..zz..then my boy..bring over the present sophia and mabel(both my maple friends tat become real life friends) give mi for my birthday present..this pig~~..hahaa..and a hand make card..=))).thanks a lot..the pig really nice to hug..below is some pictures..

the front view..

the side view..

the base..see how round it is..lolx..can anyhow roll liao..haha..

the card..(sop's mum say it looks like a duck..but looks like a chicken in the egg lah..your are creative..)..

when is opened up..=)))..
i shall end with this picture..of the day..zzz..and one joke..of the day..HAHA..starring beaver.ah beng and will-sung....

my medicine..zzz..sianz..lolx..hope i faster recover..still remember that time i buy many medicine for my boy when he's sick and take care of ho mia~~..haha..for mi..sick still need go sch..dotz..cuz everyday is just so impt and cannot miss..and next week e-learning week..but i'm going back sch 3 days..dotz..-__-"..
*joke of the day*
ah beng (i forget is ah beng/will-sung..should be beng..) : eh manda tml wan to kick soccer anot..
manda : -____-"..
will-sung : HAHA she cannot kick lah..later her buck tooth gone how..??..
manda : Ya buck tooth is mark le..without it will more ugly..lolx..
ah beng : i not scared her buck tooth drop anot..i worried about the ball..cuz worth more than 100 dollars..LOLX..
manda : *smack ah beng and will-sung*
p/s:..thanks sop and bel a lot for the birthday present..=)))..thanks..