today 1st lesson not so boring...understand the topic..shirley didn't came cuz she lululu~~..><...then my admin card with her..its alright lah..=)...i told the lecturer i forget to bring lor.. =)))..
then next usual..we lame and crap around..but still got listen to teacher..=))..on way out..poor wilson..cuz lecture theatre..those table is can pull up and down de..then its quite painful if get whacked by it..when wilson wanna put back his in push down..he tell mi careful my leg dun get whacked by it..end up..when he push down..he accidentally whack his elbow against the hard table..poor him..><..
lunch was at fc1..went there..cuz no money..had jap food..nice..=))...during lunch..poor 'tallest' girl in class was being shoot..then cuz she is si xiao she keep saying will have retribution de..-_-"..haha..cuz she suffering from her retribution now..:X:X..we went to one project room..everyone of us go in..haha..we talk a lot..on the way to library..some retard things happen..joke of my day..-_-'..we slacked in the room...talking about our graduation trip again..checking out price of everyting..and many shooting in the project room..haha..we slacked till dun feel like going to practical lesson after tat..but still went lah..=))..
went there..very sleepy..zzz..then faster do finish faster go le..haha..shiok..went home..web cam with my boy..=))..anyway below got one picture of us..ya during web cam..=)) bb all..tml friday le..this weekend..sat going to ECP..busy weekend..>< all..
*joke of the day*
clair: eh next time u ride motor..rain hor??
victor: rain coat lor..
clair: then if heavier rain le??
victor: rain coat lor..
clair: then if lightning *BING BOOM BOOM PIANG PIANG ZAP ZAP*(sound effect she make..-___-"..a bit kua zhang here..haha..but then those guys who heard it act it out..laugh till zzz..)..
thats done by the retard couple..

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