had my renuion dinner with my family at crystal jade. this was was special a bit cuz first time he's eating with my family. usually he will be eating with his family but this year his family eat 1 day earlier. so invited him over to join us. =).
the dinner was not bad. 8 course. kinda full maybe cuz we went to eat mac while waiting for my family members. lol. we went to play the acarde awhile also before the dinner. after the dinner there's still time before the movie so we went back to the acarde to play again. haha! first time was at another acarde playing mario kart. mariokart is so cute! see pple play street fighter. and also play one game for couples de. didn't know about it till we gameover.lol. Is about a couple in this jungle need to kill monsters ba. at the end of every stage got compatibility percent. lol. we went to play houseofdead, daytona and some other games before our movie. haha. fun fun!
we watched the wedding game at JP.
overall is a not that bad. funny show but is more on love between the 2 of them.
we walked home after our movie. by the time reached home just nice watch countdown. my boy was even more sick that day. he was already sick when we go back to his side for the renuion dinner. so we faster wash up, he slept first while i do my thing before going to sleep also.
26th jan-cny day 1
got to wake up early cuz going visiting. actually we also never manage to wake up early. end up also 10 plus then wake. =X. faster prepare then we head on to my grandparents' house le. my father side de. and is the very first time my boy is going visiting with mi. feel nervous for him. dunno y. -_-". sit awhile at my grandparents' house before heading on to my big aunt house. this time mother side. my grandparents' house very near to NTU. and my big aunt house is also at jurong area. lolx.
when we reached there, really very luan sia. too many pple. many kids running around. my aunt house got too many kids toy for them le. many type of bikes/cars for them. so everyone was sitting on it and driving around. ate steamboat with my family. my biao ge was at the same time talking to mi about what i'm studying and etc. lol. his company is looking for attachment student and also once i grad can go his company work. i find it weird la. even though is good cuz got someone look after u. but imagine do wrong thing then hai dao him. ><.
while eating my steamboat, almost all going to leave le. peace at last. cuz i totally got no space to sit. thats y my biao ge and ah yi ask mi and my boy go to my biao ge's old room to sit and rest. not long after that my biao jie and her 2 daughter come le. after all of them left, mi and my boy decide to play around with the toy cars before we head to JP for movie.lolx.
the balcony. lotsa memories there.love to sit on the sofa there and stroke my aunt's dog, hero. too bad he die when i was sec 4. put to sleep cuz he's too old le. and ya the pig there is mabel and sophia give mi de years ago.
my boy saw this spider jumping around in the balcony. a small one. lol.1/2 of the cars/bikes in the house.
in my biao ge room.
my boy was fascinated by the amount of toys in my aunt house. lolx. have been increasing ever since my biao zhi er and biao zhi nu been born. ya. she took care of 3 of them. can imagine how noisy it is in the day. lol.
we took bus to JP for our movie. but since still early, we just go acarde again after we collect our tickets. lol. yea! house of dead again. and also some other games la. haha. fun!

had mac for dinner before boy went home.
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