slept for around 1 hour. =X. by the time i wake up is 12pm le. -_-". my hp snooze a few times le. lol. faster rush down to JP' swensens to find them. Below are the pics taken at swensens.

Group pic outside swensens.

they give us a lot of things to decorate with beautiful stars..haha..but most of the time everyone is taking turn to first it was quite chio de...but end up..zz!

The ending product is..

the top left one is the master piece..thanks to judy..she's the mastermind of those cream..lolx..happily squeezing..few days ago when we were discussing about this.. we thinking those cream is it free flow..she say if is free flow, she gonna squeeze till a mountain..take ladder and climb..and squeeze..-_-'..
we ask the person help us
okay back to school after that..riko play with us some mia game..zz..hide and seek..we got onto 179 then she tell us she at interchange..end up we never wait for her..zz..waited for her at school bus stop..

whole gang stoning..
hong jing the only one anti social..lolx..
cuz of riko MIA incident..we decide to celebrate it after our maths..she's one of the jan babies so cannot dun have her..
make a wish..lolx..
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