by right i'm supposed to meet esther around 6:00pm but we drag till 7:00pm. =X.
okay her mum invited all her relatives over. the house is damn crowded. we can't find any chair to sit to have our dinner. so just sit down at the living room. and use the coffee table to support our food.
the cake cutting session begin not long after we clear the coffee table for her cake.

the crowd at her house. 1/2 of the invited guest. lol.

mi and the birthday girl.
she and her one of her aunts. the youngest one if i not wrong.
her family members.
she just wan the whole cake to herself. lolx.
esther,mi and nikki.

the one beside mi and nikki is zhi hui. her father side cousin. came from malaysia to find her de. haha.
she and her father side relatives. yup only 3 of them. the rest of the house is her mother side le.

us taking photo with our favourite colour balloons. lolx.
i seriously can't stop laughing at this. ya is her family photo la. pointing to her ownself few years back. lolx.
she told mi once she got ownne animal at home. own one PIG at home. -_-'.
8 years of friendship. =).
her hong baos and present.
we was in her room looking at her opening her presents. lol. but she never open her hong baos infront of us. she was busy finding the one which her ah gong give de. cuz that one got the most money de. lol.
Be back with part 2 of the night soon!
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