it's been a looooonggggg time since we draw la. LOL. first lesson make us draw leafes. haha. we really look like those professional with the tall tall thing..i dunno how to spell it..stencer or something like that..then u draw on a board..either u stand or u sit on the very high chair to draw it..haha..
i was behind with wei an and the guys..i concentrate very hard le..suddenly hear them talk something nonsense make mi so zz..-_-"..i'm looking forward to more art lessons la..even though it last 3 fun..cuz u dun need to think at all..just draw what u see..haha..not so stress ba i must say..=)..and i know the guys are looking forward to draw nude models..-_-"..yes is a female model..><..ya she will just strip naked and lie there for us to draw... so awkard..but must get prepared for it ba..lolx..
Saturday i wake up at around noon time le..=X..damn tired la..had consecutive early lessons from wed-fri. my boy booked out around that time and came to find mi. he pack his stuff, wash his clothes, and we went to had our late lunch before taking the train. i took train with my boy to pasir ris to meet shir they all to go down to gary's 21st birthday boy went back to tampiness to rest..
pics below are taken during gary 21st birthday party at coastal sand chalet..

Sunday i meet my boy at bugis for red cliff 2. haha. wanted to bring him to eat the wanton mee but end up we had pasta mania. lazy to walk till outside there. my boy went beach road before meeting mi to get his rank. cuz he lost one of them. ><. the worse is it's out of stock. so he got to take the one on display. sat everyone cheong there to get it le. so sunday no more stock le. ><.
red cliff 2 is damn nice!! Love it! haha. enjoy the movie lots. =). even though i dunno the story..but my boy read the comic before when he's he tell mi what he can recall during some parts of the movie..i like this kind of war war movie sia..haha..
mi with the pink lions outside jp.hahaha.PINK!

my boy left his cap in the movie theatre.-_-". so we went bugis street to get a new one. lol. and i sun bian get esther's 21st birthday present. end up i've to reserve it. and go back again to take it. cuz the only one left got one part is spoiled. that woman better be touched by what i did!
we head back to JP to get some stuff for boy to bring back to his camp. before heading to my house to pack his stuff and also have dinner.=)
today went back to school. school was so boring. =(. but heng got the friends around. haha. brighten up my day with all the funny jokes and stupid things we do. heng tml lesson starts on 12:30pm. i need my sleep! lol. going for my first yoga dance lesson tml. hope is fun!
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