With 2014 coming to an end, it's time to do a wrap up of 2014. There were definitely many milestones this year which (thankfully) were all met.
It was not a easy year but it was smooth sailing enough with things falling in place. My schedules were jam packed to the brim and I'm glad it all worked out eventually. The sense of satisfaction is something which can't be found anywhere else.
1) Keys Collection
It wasn't a long wait for both of us but I'm also glad we did not have to wait very long for it :) On the 6th of Jan 2014, we collected our keys for the new flat.
For information related to my new flat, you may click on the "renovation" or 'hdb' label that can be found on the right hand side.
2) Singapore Airshow 2014
I attended the first airshow of my life! It was on Valentine's day itself hence making it more memorable. It was memorable especially with my ever sporty colleagues.

3) Officially Married
I'm officially a Mrs on 23rd February 2014. Very surreal and it's our 1 year wedding anniversary in less than 2 months time! For my ROM posts, you may click here!
And it's down to settling our customary wedding which is happening in nearly 11 months time. Though I don't foresee ourselves to finally do something until it's like 6 months left, I really hope we do not procrastinate too long. *cross fingers*
4) Start of Renovation
Officially started the renovation on 15th March 2014, which is after 2 months of getting the keys (Had to get HDB to rectify the defects and too busy getting married)!
It was the busiest 3 months of 2014. The to and fro to the new place, from office to the house during lunch time, after work to new place and then back home. It lasted for quite awhile and all our weekends are burn. Totally drained out not only financially but also mentally.
But hey, I'm glad it's all over. Part and parcel of life that we have to go through. Oh well, nothing beats having a home of your own, rightfully under your name.
5) Pre-Wedding Photoshoot

And because the photos turned out pretty good, hence the photoshoot caught the attention of many.
Our pre wedding shoot was featured on Singapore Brides. It was also on 新明 newspaper this year.
I've blogged about it here too! :)
6) 8th Anniversary and First Half Marathon
Celebrated our 8th anniversary and also the end of our renovation with a Staycation @ MBS. It wasn't our first time staying there but it was a good enough getaway after 3 hectic months.
Ran and completed our first half marathon together on the 2nd night of the staycation. It feel really good to be staying so near to the starting point of the race
The toughest race in 2014 but I'm proud to say that I've attempted and completed a half marathon in my life. More to come in 2015!
7) #projectmovehouse
The day which I have been dreading much has come.
Though lots of stuffs are still at the old place, which somehow gives myself the reason to go back often to get them if I need it, it gives me a chance to go back and lie on my good old super single bed.
Having been through so much (fighting with my own emotion), I do hope on the day of my customary wedding, I won't cry or at the very least won't cry so much. Very often when I see brides crying when bidding their parents goodbye (in photos), my heart aches too. Sigh.
Oh well, emo stuff aside. #projectmovehouse took place early July (at night somemore) but we officially moved in in June on a auspicious date. Biggest event in 2014 has got to be #projectmovehouse. That's because handling renovation is much more tedious than handling a wedding.
8) Housewarmings/Gatherings
Till date, we had a total of 5 housewarming/gatherings. 2 official housewarming (with buffet catering) and 3 mini gatherings with our friends.
The latest one will be the xmas gathering/housewarming with Derp's army mates :) I have yet to blog about but it was a very fun night! Everyone left after midnight and we do hope to have it next year again.

#welfie taken before our first buffet housewarming.
The pizza gathering with my besties of 13 years.
The potluck gathering with colis.
9) Doraemon Expo @ JB
Derp and I visited the Doraemon Gadget Secret Expo across the borders and it's worth going there for it :)
Relieving our childhood memories and it's our only overseas trip this year! A day of getaway is better than none.

10) First Birthday as Mrs Goh
What made my 26th birthday more memorable other than the fact that I'm a Mrs, will be it's the first birthday spend at the new place!
Many more birthdays to come and just recently we celebrated Derp's birthday too. Will blog about it soon and I know I've a lot of backlogs to do.
I plucked up my courage and finally took up yoga (after I shifted and got more time now) because of the many benefits yoga.
I've completed 24 weeks of yoga (2 terms) and am on the way to starting the 3rd term on the first week of Jan. I did my first ever headstand just recently and it doesn't feel as difficult as it seems to be.
Much more to improve on and my hamstrings are still horribly tight (something which I should work on).
A #throwback pic. For details on the yoga lessons I took, you can click on "jxyoga" label at the right hand side to read it.
12) A new personal best
Run, Run and more Runs in 2014! A meaningful year because I've achieved a new PB during GEWR.
The trainings around the park do help and not forgetting the breathtaking view which I faced whenever I run nowadays.
Still am loving this picture from GEWR.
I'm constantly reminded of how far I've come and to never give up. For my other blog entries regarding the races that I've attended, you may click on the 'marathon' label at the right hand side.
13) Cooking and Baking
Did lots of baking/cooking ever since I moved out. That's like the first thing to learn/to do after you have your own place. Can't possibly eat out every single day and to be honest Derp and I are very sick of eating out. Especially when we don't know what to pack home everyday for dinner and have to spend time thinking.
Haven't really blog about the things I cook yet but I did blog about the kind of pastries I baked before :)
I'm still keeping up with cooking twice a week and the on and off baking. Many space for improvement and I'm still exploring more recipes!
In my 2013's highlights. the last point I wrote was about thanking my readers. And in 2014, I wish to do the same thing.
Thank you for the emails be it questions/compliments email! I'm thankful for the encouragement and I do hope I help you in one way or another regarding the questions.
Thank you for dropping by and I really hope my posts help readers in one way or another. I tried my very best to check for grammar/sentence structure mistaken but at times I do made mistakes. At the end of the day, I still hope that it's readable and informative for everyone who drop by.
I'm ending 2014 with 14 highlights. Has your 2014 been good or bad? Be it good or bad, it's time to put it behind and start looking forward to 2015.
What lies ahead is more important for now and may everyone end 2014 on a high note :)
Hereby wishing everyone a Happy New Year!