Day 2 started with gate crash of #jasewedsclaire! Thankfully we are staying at the same hotel with the bride so there's no travelling needed to the gate crash venue (Except walking a few steps).
I woke up at around 6:15 am to prepare myself. Didn't really sleep that early the night before but at least I'm not the last one to reach the gate crash room. hehe!
#selfie before heading out.
Spotted this sunrise while waiting for the lift at the lobby. Overseas sunrise is never the same as those we see locally.
And this is what we prepare for the 酸甜古辣 station.
That's the only thing we need to prepare for the gate crash other than helping each other tie the corsages that Claire has prepared for us.
A photo with the bride!
Our group photo :) Love this photo to bits.
And so the gate crash started shortly after ( Since the groom stays just a 5-10 minutes drive away from the hotel lol).
The gatecrash schedule was on time and we actually had the time to 'slowly conduct' them haha!
The brothers were really shameless sporty. After being a bridesmaid for the 3rd time, they were really the most shameless sporty brothers I've seen. There's one brother who drank down the whole cup of Tabasco sauce mixed with small red chilli. He asked around for water after that. So poor thing haha!
We didn't really expect them to drink it down so willingly though. Would have expected them to go toilet to pour away and etc lol.
There's nothing that 难不倒 them even if we were to make them do poses done by the America next top models.
Jase and one of his brothers doing the game created by Claire's elder sister haha!
Jase with his completed promises to claire (we did seek approval from Claire before letting him write down haha!) This is also another station for him and the promise card was done by Esther!
The whole gatecrash ended with Claire's grandmother handing the room key(where's Claire is hiding at) to Jase. Claire's grandmother is really really cute. She hid the room key properly in a book in her bag all the time haha! She was there witnessing the whole gatecrash. Not only her but all of Claire's relatives who flew in from Singapore too. She didn't give the key to Jase that easily though. lol.
Around 9:15am to 9:30am, We set off to the church where the holy matrimony will be held at. I went back to my hotel room to meet Derp first before heading down.
We had time to take photos after reaching the church since we were way too early!
With the bride again! So pretty :):)
#welfie with the bride
Not forgetting, a #welfie with the groom
All the bridesmaid!
We were in charge of giving out the program menu to the guests. However, they come in batches by batches hence giving us chance to take photos again :P
With the besties.
And they felt like they were some superstars when everyone took turn to take photos with them lol.
She's really very fair! She'll grow up to be one pretty elegant lady!
The holy matrimony ceremony started around 10:45am.
The ring bearer, flower girl and claire's sisters marched in first. The ring bearer was really nervous and has a very stern look on his face haha!
The flower girl on the other hand was very composed and smile all the way while marching down..

Claire's younger sisters.
Here comes the bride and her dad (both smiling so happily! )
A close up of the details of the gown..
More photos of the ceremony..
As usual there were the saying of vows, exchanging of rings and etc. Even though I'm not a Christian, but I do find the speech said by the priest kind of meaningful. Especially on the part he talk about marriage and starting a family.
The last part of the holy matrimony was the official photo taking session before we break off for catered lunch.
The couple with the bridesmaids

The couple with all of Claire's friends.
We cleared up the church decoration and proceed to have our catered lunch.
After which, Jase's relatives and friends drove us to Jase's house to see the putting off of the fireworks when the couple arrive back at Jase's house for tea ceremony.
The fireworks tradition is still on-going in Malaysia. On happy occasion like this and I believe during CNY too, they will put out fireworks. It was an eyeopener for us.
They then drove us back to the hotel to rest for the wedding dinner.
Will be back to update again soon!
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