Derp and I attended our first ever neighborhood event (after moving in for nearly a year lol).
For the past 1 year, the RC member have made huge efforts to hold many events so as to bond this community together. However, we did not take part in it. Either the time clashes or we find it not that interesting. Opps!
This time round, the RC members went door to door to promote this event. We didn't buy the tickets on the spot but however we went back to the CC the very next day to get it. Since it falls on the long weekend, why not? :)

It was an event to mark the opening of the RC centre, with a ongoing flea market and also mural painting (done by the residents) for the soon to open Sengkang General Hospital.
The event started from 9.30am but we only went down around 11am. We started walking around to see what's going on. We had a chance to step into the newly opened RC centre. Basically nothing much and it's exactly the same as what I could imagine.
They were gathering feedbacks from the resident so as to know what are the demands. But somehow they aim those who have young kids or senior citizens. Sad to say, I always feel that we are the "forgotten" group of residents lol.
The mural paining that was going on. These paintings will be put up in the hospital when it opened.

We had a chance to walk around and saw the on going flea markets under the HDB blocks. I almost book a stall to sell my preloved but all the stalls were snatched up pretty quickly.
We went back to the main area for the lucky draw at 12pm. There were 10 prizes but there were 500 tickets. So I will say, the chances are pretty slim haha!
Our MP giving out the first prize (which was suppose to be a air fryer)
There were catered food for everyone who purchase the ticket.
There were fruit tarts too.
Everything taste good because I was famished by then. They only allow the food to be serve after the whole event.
Say Hi to my coli's baby boy. I call it his armswag :) So cute!
Didn't expect to see him there though but I know he stay just few blocks away from me.
Before his flat were ready, he moved into his wife's parent's place after they got married. His in-laws's block is actually where Derp's Uncle's provision shop resides at haha! He actually patronize Derp's Uncle's provision shop very often lol.
Few years back, we actually met each other there during one of the cny gathering. He was returning home while I was having reunion lunch with Derp's relatives.
The world is really very small indeed.
Okay pardon for the side track, we were given this goodie bag for attending this event.
The quality of the trolley is actually quite bad. But the things inside weren't too bad. There's cream crackers and etc.
To be honest, this event wasn't that bad but I do hope they have events that catered to those 'forgotten' residents in time to come.
Even though we focus most of our time on work, we need to know that we are not 'forgotten', even if it means asking us to give feedbacks on the facilities/living condition around the new neighbourhood.
I do hope to see more events coming up and something like this which will attract us to participate :)
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