Below are some sec 2 pictures ba if i never remember wrongly.

Sports day!
think we won the best lower class award. the class with the most medals.
with edlyn(esther's youngest sister). she's so cute at that time.haha.but now..hmm..become devil liao..=X...
our class picture on the last day of school..after which we are being seperated into different class le..
forgot whoes birthday de BBQ..oh again the 6 of us with kelvin
sec 2 xmas chalet at coast sand..
at changi airport..
sec 3 we went for our sec 3 camp..a fun camp indeed..
everyone got to squeeze onto that board and we are make to sing our school song while doing so..zzz!the 6 of us back then..even though by then we were of different class but still can meet up to take this group picture..haha..
this was back to sec 2 again i your find the 2 on the left very familar..i'm not referring to that 2 small girls..haha..
we went to zoo in sec 2..5 of us plus yong quan..we say hao to wear black together de..and that day was kinda hot..just finish feeding the elephants so took picture with
this zoo thingy was brought up during cny supper was saying nana chan didn't after thinking for quite awhile then i realise she didn't go..but none of us remember whats the reason..but it was concluded that she was not free that day?..or that time we buay gum with her..LOL..quite funny to think back..
my guiding days..
my girls preparing for their dance item..that time they still call mi mummy..-_-"..the last time i saw them was 2 years ago when we all went back as senior for the campfire..except for christine whereby i everytime see her in SP...
my patrol.. all of us..i remmeber that time i got this free 8R picture i took one of the big group pictures to enlarge it big think that day was some handing over ceremony or some enrolment thing..those sec 1 can finally wear their full uniform or something like that..
and here goes the 6 of us during graduation night..and i still dun understand y they held it before o levels..-_-'..and that friday night..we still got school..and cuz best class got extra lessons till 3:30pm..IT WAS MATHS LA..damn boring one have the mood to listen lor..zzz! to cheong home after that..and faster cheong out..
taken before heading down to crown prince hotel..
many years later..
our latest group picture..before claire went back for her attachment..
2 more days to malaysia trip..tml attending clair guo jing's concert in NTU..woo..must really thanks qing yu,li hua,shir and qian who went to queue for it while i'm stuck in stupid lab..thanks girls..muackz~..=)..
update after sunday ba..gotta cheong my tutorials once i'm back from malaysia..zz!
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