went first lecture with shir and li hua..we really sit in the middle till cannot middle..lol..and very infront..cuz sit behind can't see le..too big le lah the LT..after that find jen..went buy notes..and eat..after that make our way to find the stupid place..cuz the module wrote 1st week got tutorial wor..end up we found our way there..then the profs not here yet..-_-"..so when both of us went in..everyone very high hor..then ask us announce our name and hp to whole class..and our gpa la..-_-'..then pass us one paper to write down our name,phone number and e-mail..add on msn and all those lor..haha..the guy call wei an..most active among the guys de..he say he will send us the list haha..
after that we conclude that..the..profs not coming so whole group of us went out..find one restaurant with aircon inside de to chill..okay la..not selling ex thing..got asian cusine,jap and western..range from 4-6 dollars..yup..we went in one big big room..cuz it can contains all of us..got carom..and the soccer game..haha..went in relax a bit..then pei them go out buy food..eat outside..before going in again..lol...
then took some pictures inside..what worse is some pics..is without us knowing de lor~..kz let mi introduce..IEM class..all from the different poly..and a lot from TP..thats y quite a number of them stay in hall de..haha!..

sitti and riko..sitti is the most enthu one among the girls..and she's the one who take pictures without us knowing..=X..and riko is so cute wor..so small size..and she's 22!..can't believe it..and she can be shirley's soul mate..same voice de..=X..cute cute voice..she's got a twin too!!!..the best thing is she stay..next block to mi..sitti from NYP and riko from NP..but both work 2 years before going uni..

carmen..and sitti..carmen from SP aerospace electronics..she thought she's the only 1 from SP..lol..so now got 3..haha..think got notice her during graduation day..cuz not much aerospace girls..

sitti and mong..haha..she's from mynammar..yep..from TP also..

xiu wen..haha..from NP...

jennifer and mi..
xiu wen and judy~..the last girl to intro..haha..from TP too..and she's from hong kong..but 1 year old come hong kong le~..but still often go back to shop shop..so nice..and her gpa is the highest in class..><..and she's a pro gamer!!!she play warcaft..every mmorpg games..pei fu sia..actually the girls in my class..a lot of them play online games..lol..but also got watch taiwan show..=)).
they was checking their QET results online today..but everyone pass..=)..they was saying..already taking 7 modules..still take 1 more english module..really is very stress..
see their anxious face..so cute la..
we make our way to the last lecture..basic media writing..training us to write like reporters..so hard!!..but able to meet many pple from media school..good for the guys..cuz they were damn excited about it..
the whole class waiting for lecture..
mi and riko hiding behind the jacket..lol~.sitti with half the class guys..haha..they go anywhere also can sleep de when nth to do...finish NS all like that de..-_-"..looking at the pic..i really forgot some of their names le..zz!..
reached home around 3:45..when i finish lecture at 3;15..=X..went home with riko..and we saw each other house..lol..reach home not long wei an already type hao the list liao..so fast~..then send out...damn efficient..lol..
k off to rest..8:30am tml again..but very early off tml..yea~..finally..
boy thanks for your card..=)..muackz..i will jia you in school de..u faster come out and come IEM..haha..waiting for euu~..see everyone stay hostel..u so fortunate..:P..
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