reched home by noon so during lecture i was planning what to do in the afternoon. taking a nap is a must.l olx. However i decided to clean my hamster cage first. hee.
So of cuz first step was to take both of them out. To mi, is like fighting a war. But i manage to win by using food is the to lure them go inside the container. My si ah pui struggle like mad after being trap inside. Keep bitting the holes for her breathing purpose. zz!
Hui lin was telling mi to put them together in the same container. Seriously speaking no one knows whether they will fight anot. Still, i really must thanks hui lin cuz she really give mi a lot of advise. lol. I still remember i told her the si ah pui bite my finger and dun wanna let go.almost bleed.-_-'. They have the thinking that everything that goes in is FOOD.
Both of them in their containers.Still remember when hui lin pass to mi the hamsters,both of them share one container. Now i can conclude that it's too small for both of them le.Both of them have grown real fat le.=X.

I slowly dismantle the whole cage to wash,dry etc.super tiring The whole process took mi around 1.5 hours. Got to throw away the old beddings and put in new one. I almost mix up their toilet roll. But heng brown's toilet roll is a bit
placing everything back.This is xiao rong's territory.
Before putting it back i took this picture to show hui lin how FAT is her now.she used to be the skinny one but she really grow fatter le. I put 7-8 seeds in the container for her. She stuff ALL inside her mouth.-_-". Damn greedy. I saw her digging it out from her cheek and slowly eat it. As for xiao xian she's damn picky about her food. BUT she's still very pui.=).
Kz time to fix back the 2nd level for xiao xian. Had a hard time deciding the position for her wheel and the water bottle. As she's grown bigger so i can fix those things at a higher metal bar. It won't cuz much problem for her. Can make her stretch more also. lol. When they just came they can't even climb up to the wheel.
See how fat she is. Thats y i usually call her ah pui. She can really bite mi real hard. zz!.
met my boy for dinner and he bought a HP printer for mi.=))))). He help mi fix it. Anyway he need to scan some stuff for Just nice can scan also. I was playing with the scanner function just now and i scan quite a few secondary sch pics. Shall post up tml. lol. Got my graduation night,zoo outing,sec 3 camp,guiding days and etc. All of us change a lot.lolx.But no matter what, the 7 years friendship never change.=).
YES tml lesson starts at 2:30.weee~.night.
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