The queue for 179A today was damn long.longest i seen so far.lolx. It caused everyone to be late for the first lecture. First time i took 1/2 hour to reach school. Usually it takes 10 mins or so. Fortunately li hua and shir went to queue up first if not we will be damn late.
We had quite a long break before the next tutorial so the bunch of us went for the IT fair held at the auditorium. There's many things going on this week in school like the IT fair,CCA week and there's some specs and contact lens road show near there too.
Saw this car which attracts our attention cuz of the toys hanging in there. It's ichigo and kon from bleach! gosh! There's really a lot of them hanging inside and the best thing is it got the big kon in his/her car lying It's the same as the one my boy gave it to me.=).
Btw there wasn't much to see at the IT fair most probably because some booths are still setting up. My priority was to see printer but ended up looking at laptops. I just loves to go IT fair to look at the latest
Saw this 2 laptop which caught my eye most probably cuz of the colour. haha get what i mean?
So the 2 laptops i've set my eyes on are NEC and Toshiba laptop. Went online to grab some pictures but somehow the colour of the NEC laptop is a bit off from what i've seen in the brochure they gave me.
Here's the NEC VERSA S5600.

The specifications are seriously not bad. 2.4g core 2 duo,250gb hdd and 2gb ram. it cost $1,722.
The next laptop was Toshiba PORTEGE M800. I was searching for the pictures on the net. I saw some review saying that the white one looks like mac note book. And of cucz the pink one caught my attention the most. Maybe mac should come out with more colours. =X.

The specification are even better than the NEC VERSA S5600.2.53 core 2 duo, 320gb hdd and 4gb cost $1,825 .
Just a difference of around 100 dollars. I'll defintely go for the Toshiba PORTEGE M800 even though from some angle i think it look like a toy. BUT getting a printer now is my main aim. lol. There's just never ending things to print.
a short day tml.yes!!!meeting my boy tml most probably getting the printer tml.He's getting it for mi.^_^. Thanks boy in advance.:P.I know u're reading
5 more days to malaysia trip.=).seriously trying to look forward to it.cuz the moment i thinking of when i come back i got so many tutorials to do really dampens my mood.zzz!
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