my boy came down just now to help mi find..also can't find..mi,my mum and him find together..end the place where my boy say it should be..super dusty place..when i found her..her fur is so black black..and she look thinner..zz..
but i'm glad that she's back..i set so many traps for her lor..-_-"..end up was chatting half way with lin..then..i heard noise..very loud one..she's eating those sunflower seed..somemore first time see her eat so fast..-_-"..
faster catch her back..and block the same hole she hide in..then she go act emo when i catch her back le..-_-"..after throw her back in..she also never really eat much..think she know got food available for her le..can slowly
stupid ah pui make mi so night all..finally she's back..just now really worried till almost tears..thinking she really run out of house le..><.. i shall end with my full class pic..=)..taken outside lecture hall..was waiting for lecture..

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