Boy asked me not to call him boy on my blog and instead he asked me to name him as Derp. lol. And I am Derpina then. -_-". Btw derp means boy in meme language and derpina means girl haha! Go google it if you are unsure what the hell is meme language. My derp loves meme :) I even bought us meme shirts from KL back then haha!
I have sent my blackberry to repair since wed and it's not back yet till now -_-". Have been using my nokia E51 since then till now Though it sucks but it's really a very durable phone despite it being in a very chui state. The nokia e51 went through 2 years with derp when he's in NS, 1 year after he's in NS before he change to his iphone. Then few months later i'm using it once i start work before i bought my blackberry. But I must say the battery life of the nokia phone is better than my blackberry.
Karen bought me a rilakkuma strawberry biscuit from bkk. Thanks babe! :) She passed it to me on her first day back to work after her maternity leave. Time really flies.
Oh btw, i'm munching on it now while i'm blogging, the biscuit are all heart shape form and got some jap words on it la. The strawberry aint too sweet :). I better find out where she get one and go stock up on it when i go bkk next time!
Thats how it looks like! so cute lor!
I went JP to run some errands last weekend and happen to saw this cat competition at the centre stage area. While walking there I've noticed many owners hugging their cats waiting to go up stage for the competition.
The most left side cat is wearing some chinese oriental highness clothing haha! All these cats damn good life but most of them are stray cats. I'm glad that they have found the right owner :) And yup don't anyhow bring back stray cats and end up abandoning them!
Bought this t-shirt to support the event :)
Btw if you are wondering why i'm into supporting cats, the reason is I've started feeding stray cat. One fine day, I saw this pregnant cat below my house while I'm taking my usual route back. Not once but quite a few time. I do think she's pregnant but now i'm starting to suspect she's just fat -_-". Can some cat experts tell me is she pregnant or fat?? Her ears are chip okay so means sterilize before right??
Took some photo of her when derp and me went to feed her few days back.
Though i'm always a dog lover, but i do think this cat is quite cute though.
Here's another photo of her :)
nom nom nom...
I do have a love-hate relationship with her though. Bought a cheaper food for her before and she walked off -_-'. After she eat finish she will just walk off arrograntly too. seriously see her meow until like dont know what makes me soft hearted. hai~
Last but not least, I'm on the last book of fifty shades! woo hoo! I've finished fifty shades of grey, fifty shades and darker and finally its time to read fifty shades freed!
p/s: I dont know about others because i think some girls might hate christian grey, but to me he's a ideal partner :x lol. feel so shy saying that but yup i do think he's perfect depsite being fifty shades of fucked up at times lol. Pardon me for using that word but thats what is being written in the book! I'm just quoting it :)
I do think it's a really nice read and totally worth my time. Do read it if you are hesitating whether to read, you won't regret hehe.
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