Monday, March 03, 2014

Let's Brave through March!

March has arrived without us knowing because February is the shortest month of the year. After which, we will have completed a quarter of 2014. #timeflies 

Many things have happened in February, and my status have upgrade from Engaged to Married. 

I don't really look forward to March because it's a super long month!  March is gonna to be a dreadful month because there's no public holiday and it has 31 days. What a long month indeed. 

It's going to be yet another busy month because renovation has been scheduled to start, and we had to iron out our photo shoot details really soon before the bridal studio comes chasing after us. We totally got no mood to think about it ever since the solemnization. 

Our brains have been totally drained out by our new house, and not forgetting our time too. Why can't we have more hours a day? At the end of the day, we always tell ourselves all these effort will be worthwhile. #selfmotivation #selfconsole

Afterall, a house is a place for you to look forward to going after your work. If we don't put in the effort, who will? It's also our hard earn money Few years down the road, We can only blamed ourselves when we realizes some parts of the house weren't done properly or we have overlooked it. 

We may be similar in many ways but we had our own differences which had to be sorted out/compromise for the new house. It's never easy coming to an agreement for some stuffs, we had to put down our ego and talk it out. Not everytime we have a conclusion because sometimes we might not, and the problem is left there hanging for weeks till one of us dig it out and talk about it again.

Hence, I'm really glad that we have finalize and come to an agreement on most of the stuff and finally moving on to the renovation. 

I should probably start to plan for a short getaway after the renovation is done, to celebrate our hardwork all this months! A short break is definitely needed once in a while :)

Let's hang on there and brave through the long month!