Tuesday, April 01, 2014

Goodbye March!

Goodbye March, it's been hectic!

House renovation has kick started, and that would also means I've to squeeze out more time to juggle work/personal life/house matters.

The renovation will probably ends in another 2 weeks time and I might just miss all this when it's over! I know it sounds contradicting but that's exactly how I feel.

One last marathon at the end of April before my first ever half marathon. I'm totally not prepared for it but with Derp around, I know there's someone encouraging and motivating me till the end.

On the last week of March, the lymph nodes under my right jaw line started to swell really badly and it's painful as I touches it. I went to see the doctor because I thought I'm going to fall sick anytime. When I open my mouth to let the doctor see my tonsils, he told me I've a impacted wisdom tooth on the lower right of my gum. That might be the cause of all this discomfort that I'm suffering from.

Sigh. I've did a little research on impacted wisdom tooth and some sort decided on which medical center to do the removal of my wisdom tooth.. Now what's left with is the courage to do it. Never did I know that my wisdom tooth was impacted(growing slant-ly hitting on to my other molars), that really caught me by surprise.

My photoshoot is in another month time, I could only do it afterwhich. Pray that the pain will not come back for the time being though I know the pills are not long term solution.

Alright enough of my rantings, I'm looking forward to see how my new house turn out this month. Gonna bring my parents up to see my 'project' when it's done.

There's long weekend in April and another 2 public holidays in May. It's definitely not going to be as dreadful as March, but come to think of it a quarter of the year has gone! Gonna start achieving more before half of 2014 is gone!

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