Sunday - 3rd Feb 2013
My bestie's big day! After all the preparation finally is the day. haha! Still remember the week before her wedding i met her 3 times a week. 1 time celebrate birthdays, 1 time regarding final briefing for all bridesmaid and the last time was the emcee meeting cause i help her find her male emcee lol. Talk more about it later on :)
Reached her house around 6:30am, anyway her house is very near to mine. I do not need to wake up that early to cab down. Prepared the gatecrash stuff and when we hear the car horn, its time for gate crash lol.
Btw i was the maid of honor for my bestie. Having to said that, it means i'm in charge for her welfare for whole day la lolol. Especially her train gown which requires a lot of pulling, and also helping her to collect her hong baos during tea ceremony, oh and not forgetting the most impt part, helping her to change gown and also hair style at night :)
The morning highlights of the gatecrash got A LOT of super unglam video shots of mine. i also bth myself! I got to bargain here and there for the hong bao collection during gate crash. During the dinner when they played they video, i feel like hiding in a hole. lol. But anyway the overall gatecrash was fun and the whole morning session was smooth :) By around 1++pm i went home to get ready for the dinner le. I managed to take a nap for half hour hehe.
Me with my bestie. Shot taken at the groom's house. 我的好朋友出嫁了!
On our way back to esther's house after the tea ceremony :)
Kason successfully gotten his bride haha! Family shot before esther leave for kason's house in the monring :)
I left house at around 4:30pm but i managed to get on a cab at around 5pm. Lester was waiting for me at his house bus stop liao. It was raining superrr heavily but thank god my mum was at home. She sheltered me with the umbrella all the way and accompanied me till i got on cab. So sweet of my mum lor and she know i cant possible bring a umbrella with my clutch to a wedding dinner. love you mum!
On the cab. Grew a big pimple on my left cheek just 1 week before bestie's wedding.
Reached the hotel at around 5:30pm with lester and we camwhore abit in the bridal suite since got extra time. The wedding dinner is at furama chinatown :)
Thanks buddy for helping to be my bestie's wedding emcee :) I'll never forget your help and you got to be emcee again for my wedding la. 跑不掉了! And you've been asking me so when's my wedding cause u need to save money for my hong bao :) I'll let u know in advance for sure. 1 year in advance! haha.
Anyway kason and esther arranged for the instant photobooth for her guests. While waiting for her hair to be done, i went down to join the rest for some photo taking. Boy and jenny came not long after. Then i brought them up to find esther lol since i got her room key. hehe.
My pretty babe all ready for her first march in.
:). Actually the view from her room is quite nice. Facing singapore flyer.
Jenny, Esther, Esther's MUA and me!
The couple before the 2nd march in. And she's in her favourite all blue dress~
Boy and i after the wedding. Thanks arh buddy for helping us take the photo hahaha! He machiam some sai kang warrior for the night.
Last shot with my bestie before boy and i went to chinatown street for some cny shopping. We bought 1kg of muah chee and jelly! lolol. Since i'm on leave the next day and confirm cab home, so we just slowly walk chinatown street and yup the stalls were not close yet. They just started to pack only.
Below is the instant photo booth photos! i got some of it but not all. The printing was very slow!! Though everything is nice, 4 shots and everything, but the printing can be really slow. They dont have enough time to print for everyone so they just print a few and ask u go their facebook to see the soft copy. -_-". I'm not going to use this company for my wedding! If you're interested to know what company is this, private message me :)
With esther's uni mates, sheena, kacie and li yi. They are also the bridesmaid group haha. And ken is kacie's bf :)
With claire and nana.
superrrr retard photo with lester. The top middle photo make me lol max after seeing it.
With the crazy duo again.
With my boy :)
With jenny!

Hereby wishing my bestie and her hubby a happy and blissful marriage! Sad that now she have moved to the east side but its okay, i'll be staying somewhere nearer to her in like 2 years time. Our gatherings got to be more centralised now, no long JP, JP and JP liao lol.
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