Thursday, August 31, 2006
Dbe/2B/22 Chalet From 28th - 30th Aug
28th Aug
meet up with qing yu,shir and zai qian at jurong east..were usual..was watching youtube..then they hop into the train going towards clementi where we were supposed to meet went there saw the rest..we waited at clementi for quite some time..everyone reached except mr ah beng..>< ah beng..we all take turns to call his hp..but we know he is sleeping like a dead log..therefore can only say we took down his house number liao next time call house..:X..
the rest of us set off to pasir of us..yeap.. reached there..we went to ntuc to buy those tibits..cup noodle..while on way back..we asked them go first..mi,shir,li hua and manda went looking for vic's present..but seriously not much shops..all under renovation..we bought victor a couple key chain with his and clair's name on each of it..=) will be uploaded tml.. then we went to join back them in the chalet lor..kaoz..this time is on the 2nd floor..-__-"...
reach the room..everyone was muching on tibits..and watching spiderman..=)..nice nice..haha..but then cuz the bicycle rental shop will close soon..therefore we paused the spiderman then go rent bike..but then we reached there..uncle tell us no bike for now..half hour come back then got..again we go back to 15 mins spiderman..then..go back again..then that time he say no more bike for that night le..we damn zzz..can only..go back chalet again and spiderman..-_-"..
we think is too boring so went out to tampiness mall..we ate at pasta mania..some eat at foodcourt..i ate spicy chicken..reason due to is cheap and i am missing my boy..after that..6 of us watch the break up..8 of them watch ghost camp..the show starting was zzz..i think all of us almost fell asleep..only mi and wen qian among the girls watch break up..and other 4 guys..the show err..we come out only do lame things..then asked them about ghost camp..the way they say is zz...then we took train back to pasir ris..and walk back to downtown..
bathe in chalet that day..manda went in first..she crazy no on heater..-__-"..then when i go in i thinking y the water so cold...then i shout out to them ask them help mi on.. tat night we just mahjong all the way and slept like 6:30am..:X..haa..sleeping time was funny..><..can't stop laughing..shir was on my left, ah beng on my right..then manda on his right..the 4 of us..legs towards the cupboard but our head on WILSON'S body..:X..haa..each one on different position..kian was on his abs..i was on his big thigh and shirley on his small first while i was finding his big thigh..then he shout out..WHOES THE ONE TOUCHING MY **..which is his manhood..i was like..SHIT..then i zz move down a bit..haa..
poor wen qian..kiap in between stupid wilson and gabriel i think..zz..half way...DUE TO THE CRAMPNESS..wilson and kian go up into the bed..and squeeze in with the retard couple..haa..:X..therefore the rest of space to sleep below..=)..
29th Aug
woke up at i dunno what time.. errm 9 plus..was woke up by the movie fantastic 4 and with li hua sitting --> of mi watching movie..see her sit there machiam staring at mi i wake up pei her talk..haa..wash up le..come out its mahjong time again..
while mahjong half way..some guys went to play pool at eat at KFC..the rest go down eat maggie..those mahjong one..we asked them cook for us..=X..thanks li hua and shirley..we played finished that round then went down to eat..then come back continue our mahjong..retard couple went outside to eat their lunch..then chalet left retard couple and those mahjong pple..wilson,shirley and manda went tamp mall to buy cake and present for the birthday celebration later..
so mahjong pple only..wanted to watch harry potter..stupid victor wan watch incredibles..that explain y i watch it 4 times..-___-"..qing hua..wen qian..mi..ah beng and shezhiyan..haa..beng taught shezhiyan how to mahjong..HAHA..he's a indian lah..i tell u..he now can mahjong without our help le..haa..we only need to throw those tiles got 一,二,三..must tell him is one all this lah..but hor he ot much difficulties le..haa..we mahjong till they come back..went down to cut cake..actually we celebrating shezhiyan's cake..took lame video during this celebration..gave victor's his present too..haa..asked them to kiss infront of us..:X..yeah they are sweet but retard at the same time..:X..
went back room..mahjong a bit..then we went off to take bike liao..spend sometime at the rental shop..everyone testing their bike..cuz dun wan our bike to puncture..-_-'..after that we set off to changi village..anyway i duno how to cycle first is qing yu my partner..but due to the bike not comfotable for mi..i swop with li hua..therefore my partner is shezhiyan now..haa..yeap..we cycled to changi..journey around 45 mins if i not wrong..we went pasir ris park to climb the spider web thing..and took pictures there...
there is 4 double bike among 10 bike..zai qian and wen qian one group..retard couple..mi and she zhi yan..then qing yu and li hua..while going up on slop..i heard something from wen qian and zai qian.." i count 1,2,3,4..i peddle 1 and 2..u peddle 3 and 4.."..this was said by zai qian..then..he behind add on " AH PUI LETS GO!!" sweet of them..:X..even though zai qian is shooting her but its funny lor..hahaa..throughout the journey..i only know zai qian and wen qian keep shooting each other like nobody business..mi and shezhiyan..errm..crap how he going to celebrate his birthday lah..kpo about him and his gf..but anyway thanks dude for being the driver..=)..
due to we watch too much inital traffic light when we all stop..cuz either mi group or vic's group wil be at the front..then we will AE86..-_-"..then stupid vic make those car sound..VROOM VROOM..prepare to cheong when the traffic light turn red lah..haaaaa..stupid us..wilson still say what drifting..-___-"..
reached changi village..we ate at the kopitiam there...had some fried rice..hor fun..and somemore..yeap..we on dutch..=) finish liao..we..decided to..cycle to Old Changi Hospital..its actually around 10 mins cycle straight down..we went to see the 'carpark' where those pple mate..yeap..i mean those night activity in changi....then we stop at OCH de entrance..on our left inside is those buildings le..very dark..but can catch a few glimpse of the building..ah beng being our tour guide told us where to go up..told us to stare at the building directly on top of the staircase..the 2nd windon..stare hard can see one pair of eyes..thats so call the 'watch guard'..he saw before..then he talk about more stuff there..i lazy to type out too..then we cycle down..
err..wanted to see some ba pok lah..but couldn't find cuz too early..we cycle down to i think is changi beach..the scenery is nice..we stop and see those planes flying on top of comes from the direction above the beach..the lights reflecting on the sea water is very nice..while retard couple is hugging there and watching the scenery..mi,wen qian and wilson went over to hug with them..:X:X:X..seriously this is the first time our class went to watch scenery..enjoyed it..
we saw the control tower..we tried to find the runway..but think is very we cycle find ba pok again..:X..this time..there's this formation among our bikes..HAA..clair and victor infront..then zai qian and wen qian..then mi and shezhiyan..behind mi is all guys..then behind all guys is the rest of the girls..those guys scare tio molest..this managed to see like 5?2 normal de..and 3 budget de..haa..we was thinking those early bird should be not much quality budget..therefore need to earn more..haa..if i not wrong..i hear those behind de say..they staring at our class guys..:X..
after this we cycle back to chalet le..on way back is more like zz..tired..a lot of slopes..everyone almost die..a lot of humps..went back bathe..sat there..relax a bit..then mahjong..that night was..zz..kinda spoiled..mahjong also can anyhow PONG..-_-"..watched harry potter after mahjong session..then fell asleep on shirley's lap..beng still can watch finish the whole harry potter..-_-"..while everyone is was damn cold that night..><...everyone snatching blanket..><.
30th Aug
woke up at 9 plus?when i woke up many of them brush teeth le..haa..:X..then faster brush teeth with shirley..1st morning i brush with wen qian..LOLX..then pack stuff..prepare to check out le..we ate mac breakfast..then went to return bike..
after tat is like 11 plus when we reach pasir ris..took train home with them..=)..
life sux...if can someone poke mi now and die..currently shirley is listening to all my ventings..vent till all my a-z vulgarities all come out le..nth to all..
once again my tears drop..
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
just reach home not long from chalet...3 days 2 night...will go into details tml or tonight ba when i receive those photo.tired now...dunno y also when i sleep early last night on shirley's lap...
this might be our 'last' chalet we had during school term le.the next one should be the one before those guys go NS...poor them...but anyway this chalet i can say the BEST among the 3 chalets we had...oh and..the only thing i watched incredibles FOUR times..-_-"..the guys brought a lot of DVD harry potter last night till i zz..goblet of fire is NICE..but i too tired..-_-"..haa..watched many shows..i just know whenever i wake up/mahjong half way different initial panthar..fantastic 4(woke up by this show on 2nd day morning)..SPIDERMAN..haa..1st episode..the kiss part we all mahjong half way pause and see the kissing..:X..
night butts hurt now..went to changi village..went to the changi beach or i dunno what..many couples there..stand there hug then see the plane fly pass..when the light from the plane is reflected onto the water..its very nice..very romantic..we cycle and stop there..then we all heads up to see the plane departing..anyway from pasir ris to butt almost break i think..oh we went Old Changi Hospital...i mean OUTSIDE..go into details tonight ba..
as for now..slack..bathe..go and find my boy le...cuz of something happen make mi last night so vex while playing mahjong..did something..zz..until everyone shocked when i mahjong..haa..heng got shirley beside mi to see what i doing..arbo i dunno what i doing..><..too tired too.. thanks shir..=)..u know for bb all..>< back tonight..
i also dunno do what to help u..i feel so lost..but no matter what i wil accompany u throughtout for sure...=)..
Monday, August 28, 2006
Chalet in few hours time..
haaa..meeting them at 2 plus...i haven pack sia..-__-"..yesterday maple then just go off to sleep..haha..:X..its been a long time since i maple...seriously i get a sense of satisfaction after every training with pple i dunno..the sense of satisfaction probably i dunno how to describe..yeah they are good pple..a nice party i had in training last night..was glad that i found my mood back to maple..but too bad...i am going for chalet..>< usual maple with boy come in to spot check on mi..haa..that what i do when i was having my exams and he was playing..:P..
haven pack my bag lor..damn lazy..><..will be not at home from today till i dunno when i will be home too..><..-__-"..probably noon..yeap..just read shirley blog..she dunno whether to go back work a not..seriously i feel like giving up one of my tutee also sia..a struggle..can have some girls talk during chalet le..yeap..there are more things to talk than about this..struggle as in to stop teaching anot...on the other hand scare not enough money..scare school reopen need to buy this buy that..then wan get new hp get 10 years also haven get..haa..nvm will think about it for the next few days..
below is the picture of the party after we train..=)..

老公, please take care of youself when i'm not hard..i not here to distract u..i will take care of myself de kz..=)..想你...
Sunday, August 27, 2006
a day of slacking..
yeap today is a day of slacking for watching san soon on youtube..lolx..very nice...did nothing much also..go piano lessons as usual..then went to buy small bottle of conditioner and shampoo..
gonna pack bag for tml around 2 am tonight i internet is damn lag..noon was mapling with shirley..forgot to take screen shot..lolx..we walk one step lag one step..i lag till my eyes close..then i went off to sleep..haa..shiok~..long time dun have a relaxing afternoon on sunday lor..cuz always do one thing..TEACH and TEACH and just TEACH..
tml going off for class chalet lor..hope its fun this time..we will do more activites than the last one ba..night cycling..last chalet didn't cuz we did bbq..never forget that video...last chalet no mahjong..yeah tml got mahjong session..long time since the whole group of girls mahjong and the guys just watch their lah wilson..beng..and err victor know how..haa...the rest can just Xbox all the hand is itchy for now..:X..we play mahjong very slow de lor..haa..usually 2 person count as one mi and li hua that cutie always partner..and cuz other players all too slow..she fall asleep on my shoulder..haaa..its alright..=)..
bb all i go bathe le..try to maple later..=) maybe tml morning before i go for chalet ba..
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Pictures from sentosa..=)..
heex..yeap this whole entry is on pictures..and nothing much..tired to blog anything..
yesterday err..lets see..meeting up with jurong east...

from left: ashely,gabriel,ah beng,shirley behind..mi and manda..

dunno who took de..should be shirley..when i was surfing the ball..-__-"..haa..see those bunch of slackers behind mi..LOLX..

mi..big head and behind is small head...

us at the bridge of palawan..we keep blocking the way..lolx..

another one at the bridge..

li hua is so cute yesterday and so pretty..=)..if she wear this to school everyday..i confirm many guys jio her..and she dun wear like that go school de..1 year see her wear sleeveless i think 2 times the most..haa..

on the tram..mi..will..and beng..

the hunks of the class..trying to make some human pyramid..

haa them in the water..wilson look so funny in this picture..but quite cute lah..haa..can't stop laughing when i look at it..

Jx <3 Wr..=)..

the beach where we had a day of fun..

u left this footprints in my hidden meaning..just feel that this photo should have this caption..
kzkz..wah a lot of pictures..anyway..below is the picture of my lovely sam soon de picture of the cute very cute..haha..

monday i am going chalet le wor..gone for 3 days 2 back with more photos as usual..haaa..night cycling and mahjong waiting for mi..hand all..i go upload pictures into friendster le..=)..night..
Friday, August 25, 2006
Dbe/2B/22 Outing At Sentosa
gosh i am very red and tan now..-__-" face like dunno feels like it is going to peel soon..i didn't realise i was so that red and tan TILL I REACH HOME..its always like that..woo what a great day i had..=)..u guys rocks..
we all met up at 9am at jurong east..but CONFIRM got pple late..i'm one of 15 mins..haa..hmm shirley was more late than when we reach..we went into train mi..ah beng..gabriel..ashley..manda..qian..shir and qing hua hop into the train at clementi..yeah we did take pictures..BUT..i will upload it tml..haa..tonight manda send mi..=)..70 pictures we took..haa..hmm reach habour front..saw retard couple, shezhiyand and wilson..:X..then all waited for our dearest zai qian at the mrt station..i am not the latest..:X..
we went mac for breakfast..i didn't eat cuz i eat before i go out of house therefore i was late..><..hmm..ate got 14 of us..yup..set off to take bus into sentosa..reach usual buy ticket..then take blue line to siloso beach..throw our things there..apply suntan and block and whatever..haha..then cheong to volleyball le..HALF way we volleyball..around 1 only..-___-" rain heavily..we all..just..cheong to take bus..and when we wan to head to palawan beach for some drinks..the rain stop..while on the bus i was sleeping lor..:X..too tired..the guys was half naked all the way..haaa..
hmm reach palawan..we went into 7-11 then bought food..some stuff to eat..i eat fish ball..:X..then we took tram again to the time..the sun come back again..-__-"..the weather have played a joke on us...took some pictures at palawan..cuz of the bridge and stuff..then hmm..and there got fish in the water lor..alll dun dare go in..haaa..><..then took tram again to siloso..heng today is friday many volleyball court around..but this time we didn't volleyball..we captain ball..wah run till tired lor..then manda see mi..haa..i end up being the one to catch the ball..very tired sia..><..sweat like zz..and LU mi no bring towel..not bathing..-__-"..
we played quite long then decide to take a rest..sat there drink water..oh..then we start playing 2 concentration is 7-up and one is i dunno whats that but is call TI TI TI TI PUI~~~..HHAHAHA..7-up i believe is easier to explian..go camp pple sure know..err..whenever the number contain '7' in it and is multiple of 7..we need to clap the hand..everyone will start like i say 1 my person next to mi say 2..then the person who is 7..cannot say out must clap..haa..>< for TI TI TI TI PUI~..a lot of pple looking at us and is very exciting..-_-"..haaa..:X..cuz need action also..but the sound we make is TI TI TI TI PUI~..HAHA..:X..i think we all laugh till zz..action done by clair..and li hua make us laugh..:X..
after this 2 games..they decide to get into MI who forget to bring towel..-__-"..CAN'T GO IN..actually very tempting to jump in..we take many pictures..i mean those in water..and also..err tsunami video..:X..and one video is introduce everyone and shir the camera woman interview mi first..><..then i remember i say this to the camera..i love wei rong =)..:X..HAHHAA..:X..she say okay then she go interview li hua beside mi..oh then cuz the few of us no go into hua and shirley help mi draw JX WR again..but this time is JX 'heart shape" usual MY normal pose..haaa..:X..thanks gals..=)..we set off to wash up i change clothes nia..><...then headed off to habour front to eat lor..
the food was nice..=)..wen qian finally eat something nice there when she told mi there's nothing nice..and I DRANK 2 CUP OF SUGAR CANE..the only one..:X..the 1st one come hor..ah beng serve us..then haaa..:X..i drink it finish in 5 mins..but the sugar cane there cheap le..><..80 cents..clementi 1 dollar..><..mine no lemon i went off to buy again..:X..they went off to bugis to buy manda's birthday for mi..i went home with ashely and ah i'm home..going to bathe now..
i am burning~~..nice day i had with your..=)...enjoyed it so much..tml meeting my boy..=)..yeah..holidays come is just so GREAT..monday is CHALET..><..with sun burn nose is DAMN red now..i can feel back maybe later tonight with picture..depends what time manda reach home..haa..many pictures to upload..=) and shirley can play maple..wooo..:X..tonight go in play with usual she need to CALL mi and i will teach her..haaa.>< again.~~..
Thursday, August 24, 2006
A day at my boy's home again..=)..
anyway just make the class blog into the renovation website..LOLX..:X..haha.. take a look ba guys....the tag board i put it damn big..:X..purpurly..haaa..then tio shoot by shirley...heex..nice mah big big..
YEAH TML I AM GOING TO SENTOSA~~..woo..even though last month just went..=X..its been a long time since i had girls talk with san friends they all..think tml will have a chance..and my favourite and best sport VOLLEYBALL~~..woo..hand itchy..lolx..chalet is on monday..hmm..also can girls talk with them..very long no talk to them about many things liao..think they sure got things to ask mi and i sure got things to tell them..soemthings in my heart very long chance to tell them..due to exams and IS OVER..
by the went boy's home..errm we watch just like heaven..monitor him going to bathe soon..and some VCD tonight..last night can't watch due to class chat..-__-" of cuz feel much better..lalala~~..bye everyone..9am at jurong east..>< early..oh and class blog will be up soon..
all the best to u 老公..加油..你可以的...永远支持你...爱你...
class chat in progress..
firstly exams is over..WOOO~~..WEEE~~~..everyone is so high now in class chat..talking about chalet..cuz they just dota finish due to china kampong's friend lag out..then now all talking lame..imagine i was err..watching my vcd half way..then all chatting..haaa..
we should be talking serious thing..but we ended up talking about 1st chalet and 2nd chalet stuff..ahhahaa..a lot of memories...anyway we are now evil shooting everyone..-_-" tired..but its fun..
tired..><..can't watch my vcd in talking about food after lu..think till dunno so tired now..><..was feeling quite moody today..><..some stuff..but due to post exam hard to moody also and with this bunch of classmates there so high at 2am..imagine we using YEAR 1 things to shoot pple..:X..
tml going boy's house..errm..morning..go teach first 9am..then..err..till 10:30..then go..boy's home le..2:30 now...this is the longest time i took to type a short entry..due to the MSN chat i have..eyes very dry now..yaWn..moody moody moody moody..moodless..moodless..moodless..moodless..moodless....
as for now sleep sleep sleep sleep...
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
the last stand..less than 24 hours..
is just less than 24 hours..and it will be the END of my everyday sleep 5 hours very miserable..
maths was fine in front..behind was sux..i just completed everything...who ya answer different nvm..method there can the way just home from studying in school with them for awhile...we going through PME..errm..lame youtube on metal slug very nice..><..can't wait for them to get it lah..then heex..thumb drive pass to them i also wan play le.. i am tired now..going to sleep soon..wake up..memorise method and ans liao..oh tml noon paper tml can dun need wake up so early..but think i will lah..-__-"..unless i given up hope on PME..and i will just continue to sleep..i scare i tonight cannot study finish despite not much..cuz..haha..TV TV TV AND just TV.. li hua bringing for mi full house tml..i thoguht her house everything 183 only..end lor~~..even got jing san shun..ARGH..i was like so eagerly waiting for that show..end up..she got..and i am still dumb dumb everyday have to watch 10pm..but nvm..if i missed any episode then i..ask her to lend.. hope i dun suffer from STM..then forget to remind eyes are closing liao..haha..><..everyone had little sleep last morning got 3 retards..2 retards is enough..retard couple PLUS ah beng..haha..they go wrong room..we saw them walking up..then they no walk up to our level..they go another level wrong room..-__-"..all are in love..yeah..HAHA..thats y...let us shoot till zzz...i've been doing retard things do..even more retard than them..><..
i'm tired..go sleep and prepare back tml..with a HIGH entry..haha..of cuz..with many WOOOO..WEEEE..tml night teaching..boring but after that come home RELAX ARH..ROAR...the last stand..
加油老公 =)..
bloody fourier..
after few days of reading through..i finally know what the hell fourier series is..-_-'..anyway thanks manda..haha..i asked her whole day sia..first u must know how to sketch the graph..then determine is even or odd function..then if is even find Ao and An..if is odd find Bn..the steps is damn long..i can do 1 hour tml liao lah~~..till now nope i didn't complete a single question..busy reading answers memorise..
the working for ONE question CAN BE 2 A4 page okay~..what the..i think i might write till 3 page..><.-__-'..invovles lots of integration..but at least i know what the hell fourier is le..FINALLY..morning bug manda..just now night asked her again..she called mi and teach mi..i wonder shirley know a not...><..mac series and talyor series i'm done with it..tml just see formluae book throw in for like more than 10 formuale lor..-_-"..救救我..bless mi tml man..come up 10 marks can le..please..
aegh..stress is the only word to describe mi now..anyway tml studying in school with them..yeap..PME..last paper..most sux of memorising...but how to apply sia..haaa..oh today i went mac alone to study..hmm..nth much to say..shirley and mi lame last night..mac series and taylor series..macdonald and trimaisu for fourier..i can't get a name of a food for it..
manda is trying to tell mi to relax she just gone to sleep..may she dream of por her cuz she teach mi..:X..
i am going to err..see a few more qn..and off to sleep..tml morning paper le..kaoz..8:30 meeting them..all the best to mi tml...
Monday, August 21, 2006
fourier series rocks..
stupid foruier series i'm still trying to get what it mean..-__-"..mac series and talyor series..still alright..ARGH..
very tired..wan wake up at 8..end up 10..-_-"..kaoz...very tired lor..-_-"..i change a method of studying le..i study past year paper liao..LOLX..
yesterday was tiring too..nth much to say boring..
back to studying i hope..-__-"..
anyone know fourier teach mi le~~..2 more days..ROAR..:X..
i'm always here for u..i felt so much closer to u now..
Sunday, August 20, 2006
a day of slacking..
today..haaa..woke up..FINALLY I GOT THE CHANCE TO SLEEP TILL SO LATE ARH..shiok~..but still very tired..sleep how long also cannot recover liao..woke up at 10:30..wanted to study a bit..but i end up..maple..-___-"..transferring item..ya..then was copying PME stuff from li hua's PME book..was meeting her later on to pass to when i finished copying..its so late..i faster cheong out le..
so took train to clementi..came out..pass her..waited for her for like 10 mins?..missed one train..then didn't talk to her much i faster fly to take train le..cuz its like coming in 2 mins time..i stood all the way from clementi to tampiness..-_-"...reached boy was still waiting for i walked around finding my way around BIG lor..haha..
bought one magazine while waiting for him to come..=)..nvm if u are late..its alright..=)...then we took bus to his house..yeap..we watched she's the man..nice show..laugh like anything..oh we maple together..very nice feeling..=)..cuz use talk and not chat..and i die one time..HAHHAA..stupid boy ask mi to change the key i dun not used to the keys he used..end up causing myself to we train abit abit..went back town..we go cash shop see stuff..yeah was looking at cash shop items..thinking after our wedding suit expire buy what..think we've decided le..haha..=)..
when we were about to get out of house..i was repairing the pig key chain..his mum came home..his mum is a very funny person..she thought i sunday come..haa..anyway..his mum is a funny person..=)..shall not go into details..was doing my blog just now..end up no study is 3am plus..just finished settling something with the earth's-most-ma-fan-monster aka my brother..dun wan to so tired cuz of him..lalala~~..arbo i still can study abit..
tml i am resuming my 3am sleep 8 am life le..only got one word to describe..SUX..3 more days..YEAP..thats it..i will chunk everything away..AND i will SLEEP LIKE there's no tml..AND that will only happen AFTER 30th..-__-"..lets see..exams end on the 23rd..noon paper..after that go generate money..24th meeting boy..25th sentosa..26th boy again..27th ONLY REST DAY..BUT GOT PIANO LESSONS..-___-"..28th-30th chalet..dun expect mi to go chalet and sleep..after 30th is boy's holidays and my holidays directly propotional to MAPLE..what the..HOW TO SLEEP..ROAR..
as for now..i am going to to study finish maths..=) all..YaWn..
Friday, August 18, 2006
its over..
yeap idiotic BI is over..and now stupid friendster giving mi some problems..try to solve it..-___-"..shirley promised mi to come online and play friendster with mi de..haha..yep waiting for her.. after i blog the previous entry..went school..sms shirley..yeah realise she didn't join them for lunch..then when i come down from train..saw shirley waiting for us le..then didn't know wen qian was behind..then she BOOM mi..i was like -__-"...i think among all of us..she like to do that to mi the best..i think highest record was one day 3 times lor..-___-"..nth to say..then happy san friends sat at the control station..then we started talking about jing san shun..we laugh till zzz..they told mi more things about more stupid than what i watch last night..haa..
then when qing yu and li hua came we went to the exam venue..the 5 of us is very funny..we talk about victor and clair...then reached the exam usual the paper outside the stupid room..we DRAW it..-_-"..haha..and is done by the 5 of us..=X..then those having lunch de come join us..manda started collecting the chalet money..YEAH WE ARE HAVING A CHALET FROM 28-30..WON'T BE AT HOME~~..this time we will try to make it happening ba..cuz next holidays is damn ATTACHMENT..NO CHALET..OMG..WORKING FOR NINE WEEKS WITH PATHETIC PAY..i better dun tio a job i need to wear formal everyday i will kee siao..
anyway BI paper was i dun wan to talk about it..=)..confirm a matter whether get A or B+..anyway i dun wan to think le..after paper everyone was damn high~~....haha went mama shop with them before we take the train..this month seventeen is featuring on summer hunk..and clair's brother was the winner lah..and so..he was been featured on the cover page..then everyone was looking at the magazine..lolx..marvin is getting crazy over clair's brother....he's the 校草 of Tp lah..=)..
so took train with them..still reading the magazine..poor ah beng tio shoot by 4 of us..san friends and manda...haha...manda was asking us who got as for sentosa to put our things..then we thought is picnic..then si ah beng say this type is girls do one mah..then we say wait long long..haa..then ask him eat the things there lah~~..then he say dun wan..i told manda..let u eat sand lah..=X..i grab and stuff into your mouth..=X..
went jp after that..did some shopping on my own..yeah..went to see something..wanted to buy for my boy..but felt so 失败 didn't..saw one necklance..very tempting to buy it but forget it..then while taking the back exit out..wah K pool is having some compeition i stand there watch..of cuz is pool competition..many hot handsome finish one match..then i go lor..too boring..went home and now here i am..going to BURN MY BI BOOK..
anyway next chalet is just less than 2 weeks time..still remembering our first chalet..haa..didn't took much pictures..but i will never forget..cuz the 1st was better than the 2nd..2nd one we sleep more than we play..below are some pictures..

after see-ing this picture..reminds mi of what we did..haa..i can say DBE/FT/2B/22..HAVE TOOK LOTS OF PICTURE..its taking up 1.81GB lor..that whole folder..-__-"..haha..
after 1st chalet i rememebr celebrating victor's birthday in school..only got the cake picture..HHAA..=X..too bad victor this year u dun have a cake cuz u got clair..=P.

if i didn't miss out anything..its the chalet..1st chalet..then after that is MY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION..yeah~~..

after my birthday celebration was hmm..let mi think..i remember we went to complete 10 hours of CIP..that period of time was fun~..the memories..=)....the pple there are intellectually disabled..i still remember the 1st time we saw them..all our face turned pale..but soon..we got use..yeah..the whole decemeber and novemeber was busy doing that..

mi..marvin and ah beng..ah beng hair that time..i dun wan to shoot her..=X..i laugh behind the screen can le..HAHAHA..=X..i sitll remember waking up very late for this very very early..i pity the chan brothers from class when they have to travel from hougang to woodlands..-__-"..
=)..the 2nd time we went back there..oh my hair looks so kuku~~

hmm..also that period of time..23/12..we had out BBQ~~..first ever wen qian's house which is CCK..we didnt put it on 24/12..cuz we know all bf/gf/family/church..normal..

after this was..a new year..we went for renuion dinner at bugis there..yeah..steamboat..haa..before that we was shopping for new year clothes..and those guys are zz..keep calling us and say FASTER LE~~..faster le~~~..cuz they already there..our class we can walk together AT FIRST..after awhile we all part..girls go shop their own..guys go their own..and we meet back and tell each other what we bought..we reached there they told us..they at there how long blah blah blah..-_-"..hahaa..but very funny lah..we feel guilty for keep them hungry too..when see others eating..HAHA..=X..

it just happen that day all wearing black de all sit together..haha..:X..
still remember we took the very nice video on 喜,怒,哀,乐 very nice..i always look and laugh at it..=)..stupid little things we will do..
will u look Gay in this picture lor..-_-"..
after this was our long holidays..and chalet again..and 1st year anniversary..ah beng's birthday celebration..sentosa SOON~~..YEAH..
anyway next year before we graduate..i promised i will make one video for the class..-__-"..yeah and burn it out give everyone right~~..the video will be very long..for sure..
its a very long post..i am tired too..-_-'..bye all..tml meeting my boy..=)..
i am still hesitating..
加油!!!! is what i am telling myself for now..4 more hours and i can get my beauty sleep which i am lacking of for the whole week..
therefore after today HOME..then..sleep till tv till 11pm..SHIOK..exams is not over..but NEED TO SLEEP LAH..had 4 hours of sleep last night..><..good morning..manage to memorise 3 things...PLEASE COME OUT LATER~~~~~ROAR..yeah wan my life man..sometimes almost fall asleep when i was reading..
anyway..tonight..GREAT NIGHT..and tml meeting my boy..=)..yeap..shir and mi got addicted to something sia..tonight we will do it..cuz of that we cannot finish studying for today's paper -__-"..
its a way of relieve stress lah..
kz i wan finish up my sample paper qn left..dun really understand..going school to ask them..
please bless that the paper later everything come out SAME as sample paper...=X..bless mi remember integrator is low-pass filter and differentator is high-pass filter..-__-"..bye all..miss my class..i am coming to find your~~..they are having lunch now i suppose..due to the financial strength of mine i can only had it at home..:X..
kz my bed i am coming for u in a few hour times..wooo~~..BI SUXXXXXX..
Thursday, August 17, 2006
feel like giving up but still..加油...
back tml morning or tonight..
going offline to study..wish mi all the best..
there's just ain't enough time to finish studying..
dear mum bought long john for mi..=)..bathe eat and full run for this last lap...
shall end it with this..
但是我还是不会放弃, 决定不会放弃
the 4th sentence onwards is i think de.was thinking last night when MSN was being spam by class chat.took mi few hours for just a few sentence.
BI not disturb..
Only those who meet the criteria i listed below are entitled to disturb mi :
1) your name is goh wei rong
2) if u are from DBE/2B/22
the others who do not meet the criteria will not be replied unless is important stuff.
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
7 days left..AnP down~~
shiok shiok~~wooo NO MORE ANP~~~~..WOOOOOOOOOOO..

kz enough of the joy..digestive system come out everyone is very high and happy see-ing the matetr what we have seen the digestive system since we sec 1 or sec 2 in science lesson..WOOO~~..shiok~~..=)./ more AnP..its BI reach school..met li hua and qing yu..the rest was at food court we went to find hua told us dun go near her..cuz she say she got the after-vomit smell..then i realise today morning she vomitted..poor thing so small size still like that..cuz she was overstressed..and very nervous..poor girl..take care kz?..><..
met them we went up..did lame things..drawing over the table arrangements paper which was pasted outside the exam room..we DRAW it..-__-"..haha..but is very funny..then went in for paper..actually all of us finished early..we are just waiting for each other to go first..then go..end up..telepathy the group of us stayed throughout whereby the room i think left us nia..-__-"..
went home with usual lots of fun and crap..and wilson writing SARS in his paper..on way home saw many bukitviewians..dunno what day it is today..but saw quite a few of them..graduated..and haven graduate de..
anyway wen qian is going for ionic ke lian..poor girl..kana chosen to go..i can say the camp will be damn fun..but at the same time..the forfeit will be..very jia lat..and the NIGHT WALK WILL BE DAMN SCARY..they got the money for the props..we our camp can't compare with them..anyway wen qian..u can..chen ji take advantage of the guy whom u going to walk with this camp u get to know more friends wor..=)...dun go too siao hor during the camp..:X..anyway..after the night walk u cannnot sleep feel free to call mi..-___-" mi to cry or whatever just call..lolx..
happy birthday victor again..yeah clair went over his house last night at mid night..they came to school for exams today together..yeap stayed over his house..she gave him a surprise..and his response is very si ginna too..she put a box outside his house..then ring the bell and went to hide..victor open door saw..scare inside is a BOOM..hahaa..i heard this i laugh ginna~~..but anyway sweet of clair lah..=)..happy birthday victor..=).
kz bye guys..i am going to sleep i think~~..or study..teaching again later..ARGH..
Worn out..
i'm running the last lap of this i dunno how many km of track.have already ran so far and is reaching the finishing line.can't give up at this point.can't even stop to take a rest.i really hope i can stop down and take a gasp of air and a cup of water.but i know i can only perserve on.
yeap i am trying to type more professionally looking as i am just too bored now.a change of style.after blogging think i'm going to rest.dragged my feet off the bed today.and i am damn deprive of my bed after i woke up and forced myself to read finish the notes and past year paper asap.I mean it i am DEPRIVED and DESPERATE.
exams deprive mi of my boy, my bed, my maple, my freedom and MY PRECIOUS BEAUTY i wish i could just burn off all the exam papers.It will be a better life if there isn't any exams.poly life would be much better than now BUT is already quite great now.=).It would be PERFECT if there isn't any exams.
i'm off to rest for now after typing a new style to get ready for school in 45 mins time i supposed.hope i'm not late as usual.getting PME book from li hua to copy the answers for each bloody question.the main point is i only got 1 day to copy it when i dun even have the time to study for BI which is on friday.
poor manda was being shoot by mi last night.=).sorry but it somehow relieves my stress.i know u understand.right my best project partner?=).but i had a good laugh while shooting manda and her piglet.shall not go into further details.its a bit crazy.but just now saw her online.nope this time i repent.i didn't shoot her.told her good news instead.heex.told her cca points have been updated.she is happy about it of cuz and I'M the one submitting the form.there was some problems and it makes mi damn irritated that day.BUT is all solved.=).so all my jin tai mentors got their cca points.everyone happy and i'm happy.
anyway happy birthday to victor aka tian zhen.later shall sing a birthday song for him probably after our paper.our standard custom.and it will goes like this :" happy birthday to u..happy birthday to u..happy birthday to tian zhen..happy birthday to u..".blogging tonight ba.after maybe i come home from paper or probably after i come home from teach at night.bye all and i can't stand the way i am blogging now.all the best to mi later.
thanks for being there supporting mi in whatever i do..telling mi to relax..and just do my best..thanks boy..=)..this period of time i really need u by my side..without u i think i would have break down...its really very stress this week..
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
time files..
i was looking through my friendster those pictures and also thinking got what picture haven upload..then..i saw last year my birthday celebration de picture..haa..cuz tml is victor's birthday liao..i still remember his birthday celebration..heex..=X..everyone was running around foodcourt 5..using the cream of the cake to smash one birthday...i remember my face kana also lah..=X..i still remember..from beng and wilson..each one one side lor..and 1st time so many pple celebrate for mi..
nah this the picture..not everyone squeeze in cuz..errm..too fast..haha..everyone was cheong-ing in lor..-___-"..saw that beautiful cake?after that is zz...
there are so many events in class everyday..BBQ..chalet..steam boat..1st year anniversary with one another..time files..oh yeah i look at those TONS of pictures we took..i keep laughing at their hair lah..and also mine..haha~~..go chalet those woke up style de..hahah~~~makes my mouth itch and wan to shoot some of them..=X...everytime when i'm down they are always there..i can quote one very simple example..yesterday i was feeling really down..BUT..i went into class blog..i saw that picture i smile straight...and that day when i 1st broke down infront of them..ITS THE FIRST TIME...infront of them hard to sad..but that day..yea they did try to make mi smile..say many lame things..but anyway thanks~~..never forget that least when i broke down..there's someone is everyone is there for mi..its always better than crying alone..
back to what i do the whole day..nothing much..victor keep lee siao mi..talking to royalclaw didi in the noon..asking him about zakum..yeah know new things..that si ginna also talk si ginna things to mi..but anyway thanks di for your information..=)..
was hearing zhi xiang ai ni by yang cheng ling..its very nice the song..the ending was..everyday i wake up..i open my eyes i hope to see u..i know sometimes i am stubborn..i dun care whether u would love mi or choose to avoid..sorry but i won't give up on loving u..=)..
yeap i am going to continue study a bit after i blog ba..looking through AnP for the last time..all the chapters AGAIN..tml schedule..wake can't wait to go sentosa with my beloved classmates..i can imagine how fun it is already..and many many pictures we are going to makes mi somehow try to feel motivated to study sometimes..haa..oh yeah i still dunno how's the chalet coming..tml then ask them ba..=)..
kz bye to tv..and hmm study~~..all the best for us tml..
u asked mi did i regret in choosing u..i replied..sorry but i won't give up on loving u..=)..
4- WHAT ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW?--Holding my notes..doing this thing..listening to song..
8- WHATS YOUR RINGTONE?--none..slient...
9- WHAT DO YOU THINK A TOBLERONE IS?-- one instrument..
10- DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS?--yeap but i dun wear it very often..only wear occaisonally..
11- WHAT WAS THE BEST ADVICE EVER GIVEN TO YOU?--The more complicated it is..the more complete your love life would be..
12- CAN U DRIVE?--nope still underage..=)..
13- WHAT ARE YOUR PLANS?--plans for??
14- FAVOURITE FILM?-- all those i watched recently are nice..
15- DO YOU LIKE TO DANCE?--no comments..
16- WORST FEELING IN THE WORLD?-- missing someone but yet i can't do anything about it..
18- HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU LET THEPHONE RING BEFORE YOU ANSWER IT?--i long as i've seen the caller ID i picked up the phone..
19- IS THE GLASS HALF FULL OR HALFEMPTY?--less than half..
20. MILK OR..WHITE CHOC..?--milk..
21- DAY OR NIGHT?--night..
22- SUMMER OR WINTER?--winter..
23- CAKE OR PIE?--cake...
24- DIAMONDS OR PEARLS?--diamonds..
25- SUNRISE OR SUNSET?--both is nice..
27- YOU HATE PEOPLE WHO...?-- bitch..bastards..
28- DO YOU BELIEVE IN FIGHTING?-- no comments..
30- WHO SENT YOU LAST SMS?-- my boy..
31- LAST SMS YOU SENT TO?--my boy..
33 ANY PLANS OF GOING OUT?--nope..maybe later go jogging..
tml is the day...
what the..just sneeze..><..anyway studying my last chapter of AnP now..=)...i will move on to BI..and tonight and tml morning i am going to read through again..everything..i hope i have enough time..if not i think i have already forgotten what i studied last sat till now..
last night talking to shir..ya thanks girl..u have to counsel a few pple at the same time..haa..><..anyway thanks for being there too lah..dun say i lu kz..=X.. today only day not teaching..i better relax..later might go jogging lah~~..if i didn't fall asleep on the bed like what happen in the noon..
tml is victor's birthday le tian zhen..tml then lee siao mi..he everyday will msn mi to lee siao de lor..-___-"" ginna~~.. i think he lee siao everybody in class de..haha..too tz..i put my MSN nick not at home..still keep nudge mi..ask mi things..-__-"..i was teaching lah~~..
be back at night...hope i not dead by then..imagine everyday 5 hours of sleep..only maple i like that studies also..-__-"..
once again u left mi alone..the feeling of missing someone is so terrible..but yet i can't do anything when i miss u..can someone tell mi what to do..
Monday, August 14, 2006
moody moody..
continue from the morning entry..talked to shirley on MSN for a few hours..nice chat with her..we talk many serious things lah..=) one to talk to also mah..then we lu around about relationship stuff..gave her some advise..cannot imagine i encounter 2 cases within 2 months..same somemore...just practically transfer my advise over to her lah..=)..hope it helps..u really need to love him a lot lah shirley if u wan to be with him..remember that.. after talking to her..i realise i say out how i feel recently lah..or maybe all the while..feels great to say out least there's someone listening ba..anyway little secret between 2 of us..:X..
just saw wilson's blog and class blog..saw the picture of him trying to concnetrate makes mi laugh till face was very dull whole day..then i burst into laughter when i saw that..haa~...your are always the one to make mi smile..just saw manda nick..i also laugh..i wan to shoot her liao..HAAA..=X..sianz the noon..i..fall asleep on my bed..haa..for like 1/2 hour?with lights on..the notes was on my hand when i woke i just..get up throw my notes computer lights..adjust my alarm clock and off to sleep~~..shiok~~..imagine i have like 5 hours of sleep last night..><.. shir's fireworks..good for her..but it was nice..he wasn't just like that day u go singapore river lor..hope the person beside u is not your brother..then i reflected on my life..tat day when i was at sentosa at the tower looking at the sentosa scenery..u wasn't there..thats the feeling ba...
zai qian asked whether tml wan go school study a not..he say he will be in school...i say see first..haa..see tml mood..lalala~..and see how i survive tonight ba..left with like 3 chapters..haven touch BI..i am dead.. not in the mood to talk to anyone i go some slacking activites and continue study soon..
i'm sorry to spoil your mood too..
Just Back From Teaching..
tired~~woke up at 8:30..woo~~..slept at 3am last night..><..bth then go sleep..i am still left with many chapters..good luk to mi..confirm got one night no need to sleep de lor during this exam just a matter of WHEN..
dunno my boy is still sleeping or what..maybe go out le..i dunno..><..make mi can't concentrate..but still..try to concentrate..i'm hungry..go grab something maybe puzzle fighter a bit lor..AGAIN~~..another brain cells all dead liao mi~~..
what can i do to let my brain stop thinking of u..
be back at night then..
Sunday, August 13, 2006
she feels so bored and tired..
she's not going to sleep tonight..
she's feeling stressed up..
many things haven get into her head..
she need to re-read her book again and again for another N times..
she's feeling not good for staring at the powerpoint sildes for the whole day..
she AIM not to sleep tonight to finish her AnP so tml she can study another module..
she's teaching 6 out of 7 days next week..
hope she dun doze off later...
but she's a night owl..she study best in the night when it is more peaceful..
shirley do u wan to eat breakfast with her tml morning?lolx..
she's off to bathe for now..eyes feeling very tired and dry..have been staring at the computer for daysssssss...and nothing seems to get into her head..
she miss her u..
10 days left..
yeah 10 days..seems so little time left fpr studying for my papers..yesterday mug whole day..dun really feel the stress..dun ask mi y..maybe is cuz i am just understanding it..OR maybe..i haven study till the part need to memorise..i am going to do it today..haa..
seriously Anp is a subject of biology..memorising yesh..but need to understand no matter understand first then burn the whole book and drink down ba..haa...:X..
came across this phrase.."
I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday.Failure doesn't mean you are a failure.It just means you haven't succeeded yet."..i find it quite true..=).. boy level 118 le also le..grats~~..last night i change the top and bottom of my blog..=) eating breakfast..going for piano lesson soon..was planning with my boy..maple trainning prigram...haa..kinda looking forward..
later going to teach throat is still not well..ARGH~~..bringing my notes around with mi today..=) full now..haa...need to rush liao le..><..and my boy so good..playing..haa..but seriously who now play infront of mi doesn't really affects mi..cuz i no mood for tat too..fear the fact that cannot study finish..blah go le..another day of mugging..-__-"..
Saturday, August 12, 2006
kz study gogogo~~
time to study~~..and my boy can good..but no matter what my exams end earlier so i can play too..haha..:P..
its time for AnP AnP and MORE sux though..
btw..just decided on when to revamp class blog..maybe will revamp my this blog too..depends..haa..still quite happy with this current skin..but..maybe edit some parts..add new things in..
kz time for this book below..ARGH~~i wan to tear it apart~~..seriously some pages already drop off back tonight..

anyway..saw this thing..cuz my boy's siggy is i decided to play with it too..haha..quite cute lor..

Friday, August 11, 2006
Still Sick~~..Nice Day~~..=)..
argh sick sick sick~~..>< i woke up at 8 plus..haa...cannot woke up..went in maple..yeah go free market..i finding something for my boy wan to buy for him..anyway FINALLY LEVEL 118..HAAA..shiok~..last night level le then go sleep..
my boy woke up at 9:30 like tat..then he went to prepare..i continue to stay in maple see things..then 10:45 then i go bathe..haa when 11 need to go out.LOLX~~..met my boy at 12..yeah..on my way to meet my boy..i walk to interchange despite the fact i see like going to rain..cuz i wan to save money..who knows i walk half way and it rains..and while walking..i was on phone with SAA de pple..regarding cca points thing..cuz the form i submitted to claim cca points for jin tai mentors..then blah blah onto train then i settle it..-_-"..i call back SAA on monday..
so met my boy..was not feeling well all the while..sick sick sick...><..argh~~..then errm...oh my boy make honey for mi to drink~~..thanks~~..=)..oh i today bring my electronics de text book for my boy lah..his book kana stolen..i just lend him mine lah..yeah..just as a reference..then bring my past year paper for him also....heavy was great~~..=)..we ate nachos with cheese..yum yum..lolx..ater that went PS..i wasn't feeling that see my boy eat his KFC..oh he bought pineapple pie for mi..1st time eat..=)..thank~.we then walked around PS..i need to see my grade 8 stuff..and while walking..i saw wilson's gf vonne..=)..
we happen to go into one shop..i know sell many ultraman..really A LOT~~..temptating lor~..everytime i go got new thing..but i no buy..cuz my boy will be like dragging mi away..haaaaa..cuz no $$ still buy buy buy..-__-"..we saw this pig..very we decide to buy..and haa..we have a fun time playing with it lah..=)..just nice got pink and blue we buy..arbo also dun buy... cute..can put our index finger inside and play with it de..=)..finger puppet..
anyway we catch another movie again..haaa..ant bully..very cute lah the cast and story line..yeah..for ginna like us..heex..then my boy send mi home afterwards..on train home i was feeling even worse..then told him i go home wan ask mama help mi cut my frinch le..i bth liao~~..lolx..
so now here i am~~..with my just cut cut a lot..cut a bit..thanks ma..=) i going to study le..or maybe crazy taxi/metal slug/puzzle fighter pass my boy my thumb drive let him play..=) a good source to relieve stress when exams are coming..or while u are studying for exams..heex..bye all~~..12 more days..
Thursday, August 10, 2006
damn sick now..
i am damn sick now..just pop in one medicine..the drowsy effect is acting on mi soon..very..cuz i can feel slight heavyness on my head..
anyway last night i didn't eat medicine then go sleep..cuz i scare i eat i go school will be in a blur state..was mapling last night and also in the day..yeah..90% le..yippie..thanks my boy for playing with happy..yeah cuz long time no maple..then my boy 67% le..haa..i will level 118 first ba..:P..after exams i'm gonna cheong maple like there's no holidays there will be attachment then cannot cheong..sad.. go school for the AnP quiz..haaa..didn't really study..really is see HOW FAST we flip book..i got like 72 for it lah..many freaks around..><..nvm..i did much better than last time de quiz..haaa..:X..pass jiu hao..
after that the 1st batch of us who took the quiz..we went over to level 4 de computer lab..everyone was puzzle fighting again..i went to take crazy taxi from shezhiyan...thanks dude for helping mi transfer to my thumb drive..i did it for my boy de lor..yeah cuz i know he wan to play..=)..then..ask ashley to download metal slug for mi..
i am going to play it till wan to sleep then go sleep ba..yeah..metal slug is fun..=).. then went to join them for one is interested in going for BI lecture..yeah..seriously if they going think i will go home..really very sick now..><..very xin ku arh~~..jiu ming arh~~..tml meeting my boy..he say he wan bring mi go see doctor..NOOOO..haa..=)..
shall post some maple pictures below on training last night with my boy..=)..tonight we training again..i am going to sleep..then later going to generate money boy asked mi to postpone..i dun think need all~~..its crazy taxi and metal slug time..lolx..


when i'm in battle boy thought i am angry..><..when i am just feeling bored only..haaa..
happy national day ~~
happy national day~~...happy 41st birthday to singapore..and i'm sick..Jing Xian is declared SICK~~..i take a look at the dustbin in my horrible..LOLX~~..full of tissue and tissue..just tissue..
just eat 2 panadol down..and i confirm with my the panadol he bought for the chalet de..haa..which was 4 months ago..i long eat panadol le..ya..cuz is bad for health..but now no choice..feel a bit feverish so i better eat and go sleep le..
last night eat the flu damn strong..i dun dare eat it today cuz tml got school..somemore test..i dun dare eat lor..sure cannot wake up..even if can wake up my head will feel damn heavy..
blog tml about what happen today ba..basically a whole day with my boy online..=)..yeah..we watched the fireworks together..YEAH~~..on tv..we are just a computer apart mah..lolx..=)..haha..
meeting my boy on friday le..yippie~~..even though i sick..i die also will go meet him..spread to him the night all..good luk for my AnP open book quiz tml..hope i able to flip the books fast..and bless that i recover soon..><..tml might be skipping noon lecture..if not i straight go teach after school..WHEN I AM choice..cuz of money~~..cya all~~..
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
ARGH sick~~
today keep sneezing..feel like cutting my nose away sick..argh~~..what a time..when exams is next week..just on CO to train for my boy..patch finish for mapole le..=)..nth much new inside but i wan to play maple..T_T..yeah i dun wan to stuck at that level liao..
anyway today morning woke practically i go to school just to hand in 2 reports...NO LESSONS~~..woo~~..thats y i slept so late last night..not feeling well this few days lah..haiz yo~~..duno what happen also..last week still sorethroat..then flu..anyway i did something lame last night..haaa i blog a bout it later..
so..morning met li hua..went library...she reach there then decide to go SP-Co-OP shop to print her things..cuz can print single sided..then i stay in library with manda and wen qian..soon wilson came..i didn't even know he bside mi..until i thinking y got one guy beside mi keep stoning..then i realise is him..HAA~~..-_-"..then i print finish my beautiful project 2 report..then accompany wilson to go CO-OP shop to find those at there..he also need to print things..
oh..around 10:50 we faster cheong to class le..cuz we scare that pui pui will go away..heng got pple in class stalking her time for us..haaa..:X..then i go into class..hand in..then chatted with victor..poor victor..his clair stuck on train..for 1/2 hour..wah lao..-_-" bei suay~..then talked to victor about maple de omega sector..we was looking at omega sector de monster together..-__-"..2 si ginnas..lolx..
went to hand in RWP later on..woo..upload the file to anti-plagarism software..wah i think sure got many duplicate copies around..haaa..cuz...same team mah..also write same stuff..kaoz..anyway upload liao hor..the whole class playing PUZZLE FIGHTER after tat..haaa..very fun~~..FINALLY WE GOT THE TIME TO PLAY LIAO LOR~~...quite funny sia..all the computer screen same thing de..haa..anyway last night i did take some pictures of puzzle fighter..haaa..i shall post up here..if your dunno whats puzzle fighter is..

heex i am KEN~~..on the --> yeah..=)..lets see WHO WIN~~..haaa..mi or the computer?

heex..YEAH I WON~~~..-_-"..haaa..
next fighter~~is~~DONOVAN~~..just now is RYU~~

heex..lets see who win~~..but i think your can guess ba..haa..=)..

next up~~sakura~..yeah..this is wen qian's favourite..and they say her counter is good..oh anyway i ACCIDENTALLY use her..then i won victor using..her..haa..victor right he should win mi lah~..

kzkz guess who win?=)..mi~~=)..

next up is this ..vampire..haa..she's cute lah...her voice i mean..LOLX~~..

anyway fight till last stage is this AKUMA~~..ya he's pro lah~..=)..

anyway this game..WHO WANS COME MSN FIND MI~~..i send your..the file is small dun worry..=)..this game i have been playing since..primary i dunno what..1 or 2?haa..its my childhood game lah with my brother using play station..haa..
btw..just now after lunch with them..yeah talking about my boy with them..haaa..=)..nth much..something great too..yeah..then rushed down to teach..wah 1st ginna..teach till no sleep..2nd ginna teach till wan to sleep..but HENG i got sweet that dear bought for mi last sat..heex..i only eat 1..still got many left..i no eat nia..=)..heng got his sweets..yeah
now i blogging..going to puzzle fighter soon le..haa..again..:X..anyway i dunno sneeze how many times during blogging..jiu ming arh~~..i wan to know boy cannot go into my blog~~..argh.~~..maybe take out song maybe he can..try it when he's home..=) all..happy national day~~..i wan maple tml but there's test on thursday lah~..roar~~..
i am missing u my boy..=)..
Monday, August 07, 2006
so tired arh~~
argh..just reach home not long..going to face the computer for another i dunno how many hours..-__-"..tired arh..very sianz of it i printed out my RWP report le..and get it bind..woo~~..
morning manage to make it for lessons..imagine..only 4 person from our class in the lecture hall today morning..><.so many pple missed it..BUT i didn' boy called mi wake up..ya..arbo i think i also sure overslept..heex..thanks my boy..=)..after PME lessons..went library to start doing my report and printing..i print till very tired..cuz the printer cannot print single i slowly print..print one page then go collect..then one page then go collect..very sianz...
lessons start at 1pm..we 12:30 then go eat lunch..rushed like mad..everybody very busy in the library and forgot to see time..haa..yeah..then faster go down bind my RWP report..faster eat then go BI lessons first very boring..but after with manda..crap around then time passes very fast..went library AGAIN after BI lessons cuz there's sitll some time before PME tutorial..><..again i go there to do component list with manda..i edit some part of my project 2..then went for PME lesson lor..
go there hand in assignment 4..a piece of crap..dun really know y i do the assignment also..haa..then was talking to them..nth much..lending vic and clair to copy the morning what PME teach..then explaining to them..went home after that with wilson..manda..kian..haa wilson wanted to bind his PME book..i we went..we very lame..when the semester going to end then we go bind..haaa..cuz very 'lan' liao..torn and is so the mood to study le..LOLX~..
kz lah i need to do something for my boy now..=)..bye all~~..going to stare at the monitor screen till dunno what time tired..
thanks my boy for calling mi wake up today...<3>
sleeping now..
zzz how to wake up tml~~..what a time..and i just finished my report..tian arh~~do the whole till eyes really very tired..project 2 report..seems nth to write..but hor come up so many page lah..wah lao..many diagrams too..tml print till i bankrupt le..kaoz..
tml i am going sch to do some editing and also do up the component list with manda ba..i not sure of the price of those components..><..only know what we use but i dunno the price lah..haa..
kz i am going to sleep now..good luk to u my boy for tml test..=)..jia you..u can do it de..thanks for the heart u give mi wor..very nice..=)..oh tml my boy is waking mi up..haaa..i always can't wake up on monday for the lesson de..i dunno y the alarm always dun ring..-_-"..tml last PME lesson i better dun miss night all..
will blog TONIGHT if i am not dead after back from school..
Sunday, August 06, 2006
generate money till face green green liao..
haha the topic quite funny..><..anyway..just back from teaching 3 hours straight..almost DIE..-___-"..he also almost life boring sia..teach teach and teach..cuz of money choice..
last night did talk to my boy...but seriously..i was very sleepy when i talking to him..dunno got talk nonsense a not..but he sort of..used to my nonsense woke up at 11 like that..shocked to see he haven wake up..haaa..msn qiang..asked is it he still sleeping..he say ya..ask mi wan wake him up a not..i say NO~..he still go wake him up..-__-"..anyway he woke up liao go dota with qiang lor..haaa..i was all along on my reportsssssssss..ya is reportSSSSSs..haaa..asking li hua for her guidance too..yeah..then went for piano lessons le..
my teacher..she very lu today..then asked mi when go buy grade 8 book..come out liao new syllabus..what most idiot is..she say the current grade 8 de..very easy..then i say HUH then the grade 8 i take very hard arh..><..she say maybe..die..><..should have take this year lah..haa..anyway grade 8 theory rocks my life~~.. very hard lah..then i say..HUH If i fail my grade 7 practical how..high chance i MIGHT fail..who knows..she say she dun care..just promote mi le..even the music school dun wan mi to stuck there..okay lor~~..:X:X..
after usual..rush home..then lunch then go teach le..><..boring life..very i saw him..feel that he grow..BIGGER in size le..i dunno fatter..then i msged my boy..asked got so early puberty meh..he say NO LAH~~..haha..he say that my tutee just eat too much..lolx..maybe~..anyway..he make mi shout at him till my voice is crap..time pass by damn slow..i use a new approach in teaching him too..haaa..a lame way..your know the game BINGO??..i say one number..then strike out then his turn..see who get 5 lines first..i change the game a bit..i change to..i say one number..then strike one corrections lah..then his turn..then say one number..then do one question lor..haaa..not least BOTH of us WOKE up after tat..arbo we very very sleepy lah..can die..
next and fri no sch..tue go sch hand in report..-__-"..thur and monday got school only..but..tml..AnP 2 hours lecture cancel..means from 10-1 is my lunch break..going to library to finish up report and PRINT and BIND..$$ fly away AGAIN~..thursday morning is the quiz nia..go school for quiz..noon de lecture..can slack week must start studying after TUESDAY liao~~..but somehow..tuesday i so free..actually wanted to find my boy..guess..cannot liao..i am going to teach 2 si is just like that..><..boring~~..
off to do my report liao..still got many things not done..tonight no need sleep le lor..><..dunon where my boy go le....nvm i go do le....bye all..
Saturday, August 05, 2006
A day at my boy's house..=).. morning woke up at like 9 plus..yeah went to teach till 11:30..then i took train down to my boy's house le..haha first time there ya..quite funny too..
hmm reach there around noon lor..then we decide to eat our lunch outside..saw the food court at the interchange there a lot of we sianz 1/ decided to go his house there de kopitam to eat..seriously first time we eat at kopitiam..haha the feeling of cuz special and new..
then called qiang..his brother..ask him what he wan for lunch..then bought lunch back for him..haha..yeah..then we walked to his house le..oh on bus to his house we saw bel bel..haha..she didn't saw mi at first lor..only saw my boy..lolx..then we move from the back to the talk to her lor..lolx..she on her way to find sop..the world so small sia..lolx..
reach his house..errm..cosy cosy..small small..ya..VERY NEAT LAH..still tell mi not neat..><..the whole noon..i was on his laptop doing my report..yeah..qiang was on computer..and studying..then my boy was studying behind mi lor..ya..played puzzle fighter to show him..haha..then..till evening time..i was asking clair to send mi somethings lah..actually all the while i on MSN...yeah..have some class chat..they very lame..they know i at my boy's house..then while clair sending over..i waiting...wait till very boy keep giving mi ginna story book to read...=)..but i refused to read what qiang say..ya i wan u to read for mi..:X:X..haha..just shy to say out..:P..then i go onto my boy's bed to sleep lor..haha..very tired lor wait boy woke mi first refused too..haha..:X..
wake up liao..saw the file clair send..then..close everything..wanted to xfer to thumbdrive..then no space..-___-"..then watch some video with my boy and qiang..haha..some of my lame class video..very funny..keep laughing..miss them..><..then..after boy send mi to tampiness to take train lor..then he go home le..1 hour home..-__-"..1 hour there too..haaa..but its worth lah watch finish superband..i bathe wan to continue my report le..arbo tml and monday die le..kzkz..bye all.
thanks my boy for everything u've done for mi today..=)..
Friday, August 04, 2006
computer is finally repaired..
know y i no blog yesterday?haa..cuz my computer is spoil~~..i was like so panic lah~~..very week i got 3 reports to submit..and i only start on one of them..therefore this weekend i need to cheong it panic..was like so tired after work..come back then such things..haiz..anyway my computer is back..~~..i will cherish it more de..=)..anyway thanks my boy for what he know ba..=)...
anyway..yesterday arh..was suffering from..sorethroat lah~~..till now also..hmm..went for AnP last practical lessons..we played lie detector..hahaa..very fun~~.very~~..haha..did on shirley..wah dig out many things arh..=)..then..did on that retard couples..zzz..many things to ask couples de what they did before all those blah blah blah..haha..:X..then went for lunch..sorethroat sux..
ate at fc4..then..went to computer lab to use computer..then very class is so into PUZZLE FIGHTER now..haha..i was playing with them lah..:X..very fun..><..=)..then play till 3..we went for BI lecture..wah i stay throughtout..cuz..i have mentoring meeting after tat..seems like everyone get addicted to those games le..still got metal slug..crazy fun..
mentoring meeting was usual normal..=)..nth much to say..then i rush off to work le after meeting..couldn't join them for dinner too..then i took train to JP...reach there 7:30 le..OMG..haven dinner..i grab 2 bread from breadtalk..faster walk over choice..cuz i was teaching at my mum at my house downstairs to walk over to the new tutee house..oh its so near lah..i didn't expect..and..then reach there..oh say hi blah blah..anyway the kid is VERY smart..nth much for mi to teach lor..VERY guai and a guy anyway..and he loves sports a lot le..he ask mi it will be good to play soccer with him one day..=)..i say sure~~..i say his holidays lor..we meet our house downstairs we go play..haha..:X..but i dun have ball lah..he say he wan play with mi de mah...he wear a specs..if he dun..he looks handsome..his eyes are very beautiful~~..but my boy is the best..=)..always in my heart..
then i went home..noon my brother called mi..tell mi dunno what happen to my computer..i shout at him..blah blah blah..then i called the call 'beg' him to come tml to repair my com lah..then..last night so boring..i started studying a bit..but..i dozed boy was supposed to call mi..i waited..then till i bth..i say nvm i go sleep le..cuz i hate to be disturbed when i sleeping so i usually off my phone..
as for today..after lessons went out with my 2 movies..met his friends..nth much..=)..nice seeing them..long time no see them..and also..err..all this i blog in my another blog for DETAILS~~..lolx..=)..anyway reach home..wait for repair man to come..and here i am sitting here..blogging..going to do my RWP report le..=)..tml teaching in the morning..yeah..sore throat please faster okay~~..><..
thnkas for everything my u always..thanks for the day too..=)..
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
Last mentoring sesssion..T_T...
to all my jin tai mentors and mentees..i will miss you a lot a lot...=)..
today..err went for tutorial yeah..shirley say i very serious today..haa..was concentrating on the tutorial lah..then 10-12..for 2 hours..then went for lunch at FC5...had KFC..oh..then nth a lot during lunch with them..we went library after that...hmm..lame with wen qian..sit beside mi but played msn with the same usual chatting with my boy..=)..miss him lots..
then i was researching for the PME report lah..research till can sleep arh..-___-" tired..went for mentoring session..yesh last session...i cherished it a lot...heard from alister..mrs lim our teacher in charge is coming to jin tai today..but..didn't le..dunno what happen..then we headed off to control a bit here and there..then..set off for jin tai le lor..
reach there did the normal things...the teacher tell us..the kids today..dun wan to do any work..they wan to talk to us only..cuz last session..i hear le can't help but feel sad lor..haaa..heex..then headed up to class room..all the kids just talk to their mentors..i saw them exchanging numbers..e-mail..blah blah..everything lah..haha..anyway not going to see them liao...cuz they going to graduate..ya wish them all the their seconday sch life..enjoy guys~..=)..
then as usual..mi..taking the attendance list around ask them to sign attendance..><..haha..then went to play games with them...some played captain ball..some play basketball..some badminton..i was sitting there talking to patricia..shirley..then..saw ervin and the mentee playing very funny lah..ervin is very funny..zu wei always say he cute..><..haha..
then soon..times up..time to debrief them..ya nth much to say..then qian..give us 3 cheers..thanks for that..=)..mi and zu wei cannot give your 3 cheers..we will die..and is very lu for 2 person to shout..-__-"..when your got so many pple..haha..:P..
errrm..then i went dinner with i didn't eat..go drink sugar cane..=)..cuz was supposed to go home to eat mi..cedrick..wen qian..shir..manda..zu wei and ervin..then when he lang and sook hui come join us..mi and shir go first..cuz we not eating..sit there very lame lah..haha..yeah...=)..anyway..during mentoring session..haa..was talking to some of them..sebastian..asked mi my maple what level..i say y..he say..cuz heard from many pple in cca..say i very high level..-_______-"......i NTH to say liao..i didnt know about it lor seriously..-___-"..then he give mi his IGN lah..haha later i go add him..=)..then he going japan soon..i going to bug him for souvenior..somemore he live very near mi..ya easy to pass mi..:X...
today shirley there wan to get close with him ask him buy something back lah i wan to help my boy do his project..haha..i offer to help him do...=)..since i free bye everyone..i end with some mentoring pictures ba..with the kids..

he's so cute..

all the best to your..=)..take care..never forget the times bring your to zoo de..jia you for PSLE..sure score with flying colours..
Tuesday, August 01, 2006
back again..after 1 hour..-_-"..
haha..i am lame...cuz firstly i've changed the blog song~~..shiok~..dunno le..this song very nice to mi the song from full house lah..full house is korean verison de leh..but wait one thing..I NEVER WATCH FULL HOUSE BEFORE..but i know how to sing the bear song..and this time to watch lah..
anyway this picture below i find it very is..really very..wanted to put at my blog on top de..i lazy to shift le..><..maybe during the hols..but somehow like not match to my blog nvm lor..=)..put nice..

happy day..=)..project 2 presentation is over..
yeah yeah i am going to change my blog song a nice song i heard today..haha..anyway..i slept at 2am like that last night..was cheong-ing RWP till concuss..woke up at 6 plus..very tired now actually..had a long first thought today can come home early to sleep de lor..we slack too much..anyway went sch..then morning slack around..around 9 plus then presentation lor..before than was crapping..then cuz kai ern bring his guitar to sch..haa...zai qian very lame..use the guitar..strum some chords..then sing..project 2~~~i hate you~~..teacher was around..then she say she haven even..give us the marks and we like that sing..haha..then he quickly 2~~~i love you~~..-__-"...then sing some very lame song lah~~..still say what later presentation..he use sing de lah..thats zai qian..haha..never failing to make us laugh..destress..
anyway presentation was great..crap through..YEAH~its over..NO MORE CIRCUIT BOARD..NO MORE BREADBOARD..shioK~~..BUT still got the stupid report to do lah..RWP lessons was normal..trying to do the content page lor..then did the reference page with tonight send him to ask him check ba..later i will do then sms him say i send him le ba..=)..
went for lunch at fc3..haa..was sitting with manda..zai qian..ashley..kian and ah many lame things..they saw a guy..on top lah..he was peeping at girl's cleveage usual..those lamers..when we left the place..we pass by below him..then they..somehow..did one lame action..which is..stand below him and let that guy see their cleveage..-__-"..not one of them..but beng..wilson and zai qian did that lah~~..and mi..dunno is being RETARD..or BLUR..there was this SP banner infront..i didn't very big..and i just walk towards it..and my head just bang onto it..ah beng and wen qian saw it..-__-"..laugh till usuall.reason being..your always love pple will become retard lah..JX=CLAIR SOON~~....but never become her state of retardness lah~..hers hope..haa..:X..opps..:X.
then we went the meeting room...had a nice time there..was supposed to do project..we ended many things first play national day song..then sing inside..cuz ashley and zai qian was outside..using computer to play puzzle fighter..then..they can hear us very clearly..our laughter...oh..then we did something very this picture..haa..i didn't know this picture is so nice..until i really go see it..

lets see..this picture is very candid like..3 main person infront..then many pple at the background..yesh..the word use is..we were DROWNING behind..trying to float lah..haa..then errm..we counting the number of pple like 17 i think..gabriel kana hide someone at the left hua gone..i dunno where she go to also lor....><..then..marvin is pro at finding a spot lah~~..standing at the most left..haaa...then we did one idiot thing..we ZOOM in on zai qian face..then..cuz zai qian was outside..we pull up the blinds...then show him..he from outside OMG many pple outside..many pple we dunno also outside de..haaa..when they pull up i faster hide in one corner and damn funny when u zoom in lah..-__-".. another picture was this..model to be~~..haaa..

we zoom in on AH BENG~~behind..he's like going to start his bang-ing of guns at the pub liao..that lame action lah..we zoom in and laugh till zzzzz...supposed to do project lah..we was looking at those pictures we took in the past to laugh at it lah..then..cuz everyone upload to friendster lah..then beng haven..ask him to upload..i realise mi..manda..shir..wilson all upload le..haha..yeah..then beng told mi..our class blog very famous..i say i dunno y le..he say even his friends know..when he no tell them..haa..then he say his friends always go..cuz..our class blog many funny things lah..i agree..haa..those things in the tag board..heex..
anyway i know many new nice songs today..oh ya..sop..FIR new song is nice..yesh i heard it today..=)..sang zhao mi with wilson..and ah beng...nice nice..i still sing to shirley eyes look at hers..and sing..i will forever be here..waiting for can u give mi my heart?..haha..are u touched shirley?i still show u the heart shape lor..haaa..:X..guess so..cuz u smile at mi..=)..went home with them lor..around 5..just reach home not long..and..we was planning for class events just now also lor..25th sentosa sentosa~~..i'm coming..=)...then plan to go zoo also..
kz thats all for today..anyway..oh..they wan dota later..should be joining them since my boy also not so early come home today..=)..i currently in CO helping him to park there AFK to train lor..haha..=)..
my boy i miss u..<3 u..