argh sick sick sick~~..>< i woke up at 8 plus..haa...cannot woke up..went in maple..yeah go free market..i finding something for my boy wan to buy for him..anyway FINALLY LEVEL 118..HAAA..shiok~..last night level le then go sleep..
my boy woke up at 9:30 like tat..then he went to prepare..i continue to stay in maple see things..then 10:45 then i go bathe..haa when 11 need to go out.LOLX~~..met my boy at 12..yeah..on my way to meet my boy..i walk to interchange despite the fact i see like going to rain..cuz i wan to save money..who knows i walk half way and it rains..and while walking..i was on phone with SAA de pple..regarding cca points thing..cuz the form i submitted to claim cca points for jin tai mentors..then blah blah onto train then i settle it..-_-"..i call back SAA on monday..
so met my boy..was not feeling well all the while..sick sick sick...><..argh~~..then errm...oh my boy make honey for mi to drink~~..thanks~~..=)..oh i today bring my electronics de text book for my boy lah..his book kana stolen..i just lend him mine lah..yeah..just as a reference..then bring my past year paper for him also....heavy was great~~..=)..we ate nachos with cheese..yum yum..lolx..ater that went PS..i wasn't feeling that see my boy eat his KFC..oh he bought pineapple pie for mi..1st time eat..=)..thank~.we then walked around PS..i need to see my grade 8 stuff..and while walking..i saw wilson's gf vonne..=)..
we happen to go into one shop..i know sell many ultraman..really A LOT~~..temptating lor~..everytime i go got new thing..but i no buy..cuz my boy will be like dragging mi away..haaaaa..cuz no $$ still buy buy buy..-__-"..we saw this pig..very we decide to buy..and haa..we have a fun time playing with it lah..=)..just nice got pink and blue we buy..arbo also dun buy... cute..can put our index finger inside and play with it de..=)..finger puppet..
anyway we catch another movie again..haaa..ant bully..very cute lah the cast and story line..yeah..for ginna like us..heex..then my boy send mi home afterwards..on train home i was feeling even worse..then told him i go home wan ask mama help mi cut my frinch le..i bth liao~~..lolx..
so now here i am~~..with my just cut cut a lot..cut a bit..thanks ma..=) i going to study le..or maybe crazy taxi/metal slug/puzzle fighter pass my boy my thumb drive let him play..=) a good source to relieve stress when exams are coming..or while u are studying for exams..heex..bye all~~..12 more days..
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