to all my jin tai mentors and mentees..i will miss you a lot a lot...=)..
today..err went for tutorial yeah..shirley say i very serious today..haa..was concentrating on the tutorial lah..then 10-12..for 2 hours..then went for lunch at FC5...had KFC..oh..then nth a lot during lunch with them..we went library after that...hmm..lame with wen qian..sit beside mi but played msn with the same usual chatting with my boy..=)..miss him lots..
then i was researching for the PME report lah..research till can sleep arh..-___-" tired..went for mentoring session..yesh last session...i cherished it a lot...heard from alister..mrs lim our teacher in charge is coming to jin tai today..but..didn't le..dunno what happen..then we headed off to control a bit here and there..then..set off for jin tai le lor..
reach there did the normal things...the teacher tell us..the kids today..dun wan to do any work..they wan to talk to us only..cuz last session..i hear le can't help but feel sad lor..haaa..heex..then headed up to class room..all the kids just talk to their mentors..i saw them exchanging numbers..e-mail..blah blah..everything lah..haha..anyway not going to see them liao...cuz they going to graduate..ya wish them all the their seconday sch life..enjoy guys~..=)..
then as usual..mi..taking the attendance list around ask them to sign attendance..><..haha..then went to play games with them...some played captain ball..some play basketball..some badminton..i was sitting there talking to patricia..shirley..then..saw ervin and the mentee playing very funny lah..ervin is very funny..zu wei always say he cute..><..haha..
then soon..times up..time to debrief them..ya nth much to say..then qian..give us 3 cheers..thanks for that..=)..mi and zu wei cannot give your 3 cheers..we will die..and is very lu for 2 person to shout..-__-"..when your got so many pple..haha..:P..
errrm..then i went dinner with i didn't eat..go drink sugar cane..=)..cuz was supposed to go home to eat mi..cedrick..wen qian..shir..manda..zu wei and ervin..then when he lang and sook hui come join us..mi and shir go first..cuz we not eating..sit there very lame lah..haha..yeah...=)..anyway..during mentoring session..haa..was talking to some of them..sebastian..asked mi my maple what level..i say y..he say..cuz heard from many pple in cca..say i very high level..-_______-"......i NTH to say liao..i didnt know about it lor seriously..-___-"..then he give mi his IGN lah..haha later i go add him..=)..then he going japan soon..i going to bug him for souvenior..somemore he live very near mi..ya easy to pass mi..:X...
today shirley there wan to get close with him ask him buy something back lah i wan to help my boy do his project..haha..i offer to help him do...=)..since i free bye everyone..i end with some mentoring pictures ba..with the kids..

he's so cute..

all the best to your..=)..take care..never forget the times bring your to zoo de..jia you for PSLE..sure score with flying colours..
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