yeah yeah i am going to change my blog song a nice song i heard today..haha..anyway..i slept at 2am like that last night..was cheong-ing RWP till concuss..woke up at 6 plus..very tired now actually..had a long first thought today can come home early to sleep de lor..we slack too much..anyway went sch..then morning slack around..around 9 plus then presentation lor..before than was crapping..then cuz kai ern bring his guitar to sch..haa...zai qian very lame..use the guitar..strum some chords..then sing..project 2~~~i hate you~~..teacher was around..then she say she haven even..give us the marks and we like that sing..haha..then he quickly 2~~~i love you~~..-__-"...then sing some very lame song lah~~..still say what later presentation..he use sing de lah..thats zai qian..haha..never failing to make us laugh..destress..
anyway presentation was great..crap through..YEAH~its over..NO MORE CIRCUIT BOARD..NO MORE BREADBOARD..shioK~~..BUT still got the stupid report to do lah..RWP lessons was normal..trying to do the content page lor..then did the reference page with tonight send him to ask him check ba..later i will do then sms him say i send him le ba..=)..
went for lunch at fc3..haa..was sitting with manda..zai qian..ashley..kian and ah many lame things..they saw a guy..on top lah..he was peeping at girl's cleveage usual..those lamers..when we left the place..we pass by below him..then they..somehow..did one lame action..which is..stand below him and let that guy see their cleveage..-__-"..not one of them..but beng..wilson and zai qian did that lah~~..and mi..dunno is being RETARD..or BLUR..there was this SP banner infront..i didn't very big..and i just walk towards it..and my head just bang onto it..ah beng and wen qian saw it..-__-"..laugh till usuall.reason being..your always love pple will become retard lah..JX=CLAIR SOON~~....but never become her state of retardness lah~..hers hope..haa..:X..opps..:X.
then we went the meeting room...had a nice time there..was supposed to do project..we ended many things first play national day song..then sing inside..cuz ashley and zai qian was outside..using computer to play puzzle fighter..then..they can hear us very clearly..our laughter...oh..then we did something very this picture..haa..i didn't know this picture is so nice..until i really go see it..

lets see..this picture is very candid like..3 main person infront..then many pple at the background..yesh..the word use is..we were DROWNING behind..trying to float lah..haa..then errm..we counting the number of pple like 17 i think..gabriel kana hide someone at the left hua gone..i dunno where she go to also lor....><..then..marvin is pro at finding a spot lah~~..standing at the most left..haaa...then we did one idiot thing..we ZOOM in on zai qian face..then..cuz zai qian was outside..we pull up the blinds...then show him..he from outside OMG many pple outside..many pple we dunno also outside de..haaa..when they pull up i faster hide in one corner and damn funny when u zoom in lah..-__-".. another picture was this..model to be~~..haaa..

we zoom in on AH BENG~~behind..he's like going to start his bang-ing of guns at the pub liao..that lame action lah..we zoom in and laugh till zzzzz...supposed to do project lah..we was looking at those pictures we took in the past to laugh at it lah..then..cuz everyone upload to friendster lah..then beng haven..ask him to upload..i realise mi..manda..shir..wilson all upload le..haha..yeah..then beng told mi..our class blog very famous..i say i dunno y le..he say even his friends know..when he no tell them..haa..then he say his friends always go..cuz..our class blog many funny things lah..i agree..haa..those things in the tag board..heex..
anyway i know many new nice songs today..oh ya..sop..FIR new song is nice..yesh i heard it today..=)..sang zhao mi with wilson..and ah beng...nice nice..i still sing to shirley eyes look at hers..and sing..i will forever be here..waiting for can u give mi my heart?..haha..are u touched shirley?i still show u the heart shape lor..haaa..:X..guess so..cuz u smile at mi..=)..went home with them lor..around 5..just reach home not long..and..we was planning for class events just now also lor..25th sentosa sentosa~~..i'm coming..=)...then plan to go zoo also..
kz thats all for today..anyway..oh..they wan dota later..should be joining them since my boy also not so early come home today..=)..i currently in CO helping him to park there AFK to train lor..haha..=)..
my boy i miss u..<3 u..
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