yeap idiotic BI is over..and now stupid friendster giving mi some problems..try to solve it..-___-"..shirley promised mi to come online and play friendster with mi de..haha..yep waiting for her.. after i blog the previous entry..went school..sms shirley..yeah realise she didn't join them for lunch..then when i come down from train..saw shirley waiting for us le..then didn't know wen qian was behind..then she BOOM mi..i was like -__-"...i think among all of us..she like to do that to mi the best..i think highest record was one day 3 times lor..-___-"..nth to say..then happy san friends sat at the control station..then we started talking about jing san shun..we laugh till zzz..they told mi more things about more stupid than what i watch last night..haa..
then when qing yu and li hua came we went to the exam venue..the 5 of us is very funny..we talk about victor and clair...then reached the exam usual the paper outside the stupid room..we DRAW it..-_-"..haha..and is done by the 5 of us..=X..then those having lunch de come join us..manda started collecting the chalet money..YEAH WE ARE HAVING A CHALET FROM 28-30..WON'T BE AT HOME~~..this time we will try to make it happening ba..cuz next holidays is damn ATTACHMENT..NO CHALET..OMG..WORKING FOR NINE WEEKS WITH PATHETIC PAY..i better dun tio a job i need to wear formal everyday i will kee siao..
anyway BI paper was i dun wan to talk about it..=)..confirm a matter whether get A or B+..anyway i dun wan to think le..after paper everyone was damn high~~....haha went mama shop with them before we take the train..this month seventeen is featuring on summer hunk..and clair's brother was the winner lah..and so..he was been featured on the cover page..then everyone was looking at the magazine..lolx..marvin is getting crazy over clair's brother....he's the 校草 of Tp lah..=)..
so took train with them..still reading the magazine..poor ah beng tio shoot by 4 of us..san friends and manda...haha...manda was asking us who got as for sentosa to put our things..then we thought is picnic..then si ah beng say this type is girls do one mah..then we say wait long long..haa..then ask him eat the things there lah~~..then he say dun wan..i told manda..let u eat sand lah..=X..i grab and stuff into your mouth..=X..
went jp after that..did some shopping on my own..yeah..went to see something..wanted to buy for my boy..but felt so 失败 didn't..saw one necklance..very tempting to buy it but forget it..then while taking the back exit out..wah K pool is having some compeition i stand there watch..of cuz is pool competition..many hot handsome finish one match..then i go lor..too boring..went home and now here i am..going to BURN MY BI BOOK..
anyway next chalet is just less than 2 weeks time..still remembering our first chalet..haa..didn't took much pictures..but i will never forget..cuz the 1st was better than the 2nd..2nd one we sleep more than we play..below are some pictures..

after see-ing this picture..reminds mi of what we did..haa..i can say DBE/FT/2B/22..HAVE TOOK LOTS OF PICTURE..its taking up 1.81GB lor..that whole folder..-__-"..haha..
after 1st chalet i rememebr celebrating victor's birthday in school..only got the cake picture..HHAA..=X..too bad victor this year u dun have a cake cuz u got clair..=P.

if i didn't miss out anything..its the chalet..1st chalet..then after that is MY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION..yeah~~..

after my birthday celebration was hmm..let mi think..i remember we went to complete 10 hours of CIP..that period of time was fun~..the memories..=)....the pple there are intellectually disabled..i still remember the 1st time we saw them..all our face turned pale..but soon..we got use..yeah..the whole decemeber and novemeber was busy doing that..

mi..marvin and ah beng..ah beng hair that time..i dun wan to shoot her..=X..i laugh behind the screen can le..HAHAHA..=X..i sitll remember waking up very late for this very very early..i pity the chan brothers from class when they have to travel from hougang to woodlands..-__-"..
=)..the 2nd time we went back there..oh my hair looks so kuku~~

hmm..also that period of time..23/12..we had out BBQ~~..first ever wen qian's house which is CCK..we didnt put it on 24/12..cuz we know all bf/gf/family/church..normal..

after this was..a new year..we went for renuion dinner at bugis there..yeah..steamboat..haa..before that we was shopping for new year clothes..and those guys are zz..keep calling us and say FASTER LE~~..faster le~~~..cuz they already there..our class we can walk together AT FIRST..after awhile we all part..girls go shop their own..guys go their own..and we meet back and tell each other what we bought..we reached there they told us..they at there how long blah blah blah..-_-"..hahaa..but very funny lah..we feel guilty for keep them hungry too..when see others eating..HAHA..=X..

it just happen that day all wearing black de all sit together..haha..:X..
still remember we took the very nice video on 喜,怒,哀,乐 very nice..i always look and laugh at it..=)..stupid little things we will do..
will u look Gay in this picture lor..-_-"..
after this was our long holidays..and chalet again..and 1st year anniversary..ah beng's birthday celebration..sentosa SOON~~..YEAH..
anyway next year before we graduate..i promised i will make one video for the class..-__-"..yeah and burn it out give everyone right~~..the video will be very long..for sure..
its a very long post..i am tired too..-_-'..bye all..tml meeting my boy..=)..
i am still hesitating..
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