Karen told me about this fake eyelash application workshop and I got quite interested it in because it's hold at Bliss and plus I know nuts about fake eyelash lol! I've heard of that place quite sometime ago but I've never been there before and it's a really pretty place, what's more there's refreshment being served! So why not give it a try right? lol.
We signed up for the 3-4:30pm slot but it was full so we took the 4.30pm-6pm slot. We signed up for this workshop 1 month prior to the actual day. Time just zoom pass and it's the workshop day.
Bliss House is located at the 3rd level of Central shopping mall.

The workshop is held at a private area separated from the restaurant crowd. There isn't any crowd on a Sunday afternoon so I guess this event won't hinder their restaurant operation that much.

The previous session which is on-going. Those chairs are sooo prettyyyyyy.

Yummy light refreshment prepared by Bliss House :)
When the first session participants are done, we make our way to grab a seat.
We were asked to bring our own mascara and eyelinear. BUT I forgot to bring my eyelash curler -_-". Anyway, I borrowed the eyelash curler from Karen. Btw, I came home to realise I actually brought the wrong eyelinear out. Gosh!
Thank god, we were told to only draw a thin eyelinear which will be suffice to prevent us from looking like panda, if not I guess the eyelinear I brought to the workshop will make me look chui. In fact, it already did even just by drawing a thin line but it somehow didn't look that bad la.
Their mirror is quite horrible with a lot of finger prints by the previous participants. Not only my mirror, the one Karen's using also.

:) Before the start of the workshop.
I'm in floral today because I know Biss House is super gardeny (I don't think such word exist)! You'll be able to see it below :)
The flow of the workshop are as follows:
1) Curl our eyelashes
2) Apply Mascara
3) Apply eyelinear
4) Trim the top fake eyelash and put on top fake eyelash
5) Trim the bottom fake eyelash put on bottom fake eyelash
Other than a pure hands on session, Larry Yeo have also gave us lots of tips from curling eyelash, applying mascara, eyelinear and all the way till maintaining fake eyelash when it's not in use. He's really good and humorous :)
Other than a pure hands on session, Larry Yeo have also gave us lots of tips from curling eyelash, applying mascara, eyelinear and all the way till maintaining fake eyelash when it's not in use. He's really good and humorous :)
I think everyone looks good with fake eyelash on the top but when one put on bottom fake eyelash, I guess one will need time to adapt to the looks, it's really dramatic la! I manage to put in the fake eyelash for my right eye but failed at the left eye. The mirror is too low and you got to bend really down to 'aim' properly before sticking your fake eyelash.
Anyway. the eyelash they gave us to use looks really natural and of superb quality. :) We wanted to get the same eyelash we used during the workshop at a little booth they set up, but it was sold out. :( Guess I have to hunt it down at Watsons then. The eyelash glue that was used during the workshop is by Eyeamazing! It's good too but the Watsons at Jurong Point doesn't have much Eyeamazing products. Probably got to find it at bigger Watsons outlet or John Little.
We cam-whored with all the nice decoration at Bliss House after the workshop. The waiter was really kind and help us take photos at the various nice 'spots' in Bliss House lol.
There's a little bridge in their restaurant. So gardenyyyy!
The small pumpkin carriage. so chio lor!
A shot of me and all the pretty flowers :)
Because it's Sunday and I ususally will have dinner at home(family dinner), if not I would probably have dinner at this pretty place. They are having 1-for-1 main course for UOB credit card but sadly the promotion end today. :( Their mains's price are quite pricey hence it's quite worth it during the 1-for-1 promotion.
Close up photos of my eyes below:
As you can see the bottom eyelash is not really sticking properly lol! The top side are nicely stick but not the bottom. It's really not easy! And you can't help to think you yourself look very dramatic and weird.
Alright, this view properly show even clearer the imperfection of my lower fake eyelash.
The goodiebag given by them. The $2 diamond lash voucher would come to good use soon :)
#OOTD! Check out my review of the Hollyhoque Bloomington Bustier Top here.