Thursday, October 17, 2013

10 Lessons Running Teaches You About Life

I chance upon this article and find it worthwhile sharing it on my blog.Do take sometime to read, especially if you're a runner yourselves. Because you'll find whatever written below, totally true!

So here goes, the 10 lessons running teachers you about life.

1. When things get tough, just keep going.

"When most people encounter a rough patch, they quit.  The truly successful people in the world keep going no matter what.  Never let your setbacks win."

During a routine training run/a marathon, there's bound to be route which are not as smooth as the normal routes which you usually take. Be it going up/down a steep slope, or a congested road with many runners trying to go through it at a same time, whatever it is, just keep going.

2. Consistency creates habit.

"To incorporate anything into your life, you have to make it a habit.  To make something a habit, you have to be consistent.  Whatever it is you’re aiming for, make it a part of your life."

I never start to like running instantaneously, infact I took awhile to make it a habit and incorporating it into my life. Many a time, I go for a run subconsciously and never dread about it because it has already become a habit. Doing the same thing over and over again,  make one gets better at it.

3. You’ll have to get through hell before you get to heaven.

"Like all things worth pursuing, you are going to get knocked down, stepped on, and rejected along the way.  Consider this to be part of the path to your goals.  Sometimes it’s more about the journey than the destination."

At times, training can be going through hell. No matter how tired you are, you have to drag yourself to do it. Just do it!

4. Reaching your goals will take a lot of work.

"If it doesn’t, it’s either not a goal, not worth pursuing, or will not have any fulfillment.  Never expect to not put in work and get somewhere."

You can't expect a amateur to train 1 month and complete a full marathon with above average timing. It take years and a lot of hard work.

5. Every aspect of life is mental.

"It’s not about what you do or what happens to you, it’s about how to respond to it.  It’s how you decide to carry on.  Your power comes from inside your head."

6.  You do have time– you just have to make it.

"If something is important to you, you’ll make time for it.  If not, you’ll make excuses."

There are some who rather die than to move their ass to exercise, are often the one making excuses - fact. This show that how unimportant exercise is to them.

7. You define your own limits.

"Your limits aren’t put unto you by your parents, other people, or the universe.  You are in total control of it.  You decide whether or not to shoot for the moon or stay right where you are."

The sky is my limit.

8. If you wait for the right conditions, you’ll never get anything done.

"Don’t wait for anything or anybody.  You know what you have to do to reach your goals and get things done. Just go do them!"

Yea, you don't need the sun to be at the highest point in the sky of the day, or they moon to be a full moon, then you will get down to run. Or should I say, even if it rains, there's alternative, as simple as that.

9. Go beyond your limits every day and watch the magic happen.

"You’ll be amazed at what you can achieve if you just push yourself a little further."

Every time you push yourself for another few minutes of your routine training, you'll find youself getting unexpected results. You may think you might not make it, but many a time, you will make it! It's all in the mind.

10. There is peace even in the most chaotic times.

No matter now grueling, stressful, sorrowful, or painful your situation is, there is always a silver lining and something positive to be found.  Seek it out, learn from it, and keep moving on.

After every marathon, there's your 100 plus waiting for you or finishing medals/t-shirt. Not forgetting the pride and sense of achievement that you gained. It's priceless.


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