Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Do you ever feel so tired and hungry before?

I've got to nap at least 1 or more times a day.

I feel tired and listless the whole day no matter how much I sleep.

I need to eat more meals a day to sustain my hunger (for example tea break), if not I will need to have a more filling meals. If none of the above is achieve, my stomach will growl out loud. Super pek cek!

I have weird cravings popping out in my head for the whole day like Mcdonalds or sometime sweet stuff like bubble tea.
No, I'm not pregnant. It's all PMS (Pre Menstrual Syndrome) fault!

Derp gave me the O.O face when He knew I nap twice a day after sleeping for 10 hours on a Sunday.

The tiredness and hunger really irritate me every month. Therefore, I went to google what's going on inside my body and what's causing all this rubbish, PMS is just a very general term for it.

Why do one feel extremely TIRED 1 week before/during their period?

For my case is before, once my period comes and after my period, I become energetic again even with less than 6 hours sleep everyday.

Feeling tired during period is just due to the hormonal changes.

Progesterone is the bitch behind all this.

'There is no doubt that women's sleep habits are affected by their hormones,' said Murray. In general terms, doctors do know that 'progesterone acts as a sedative to induce sleep, while estrogen energizes and increases wakefulness.' 

In fact, many women suffer fragmented sleep before or during their period. Women often report sleeplessness before their period, as this is when they experience a rapid drop in progesterone levels. 

'It's like coming off or withdrawing from a sleeping pill,' Murray said. 

He says the low progesterone levels at the beginning of the menstrual cycle reduces deep sleep. But when ovulation starts, progesterone levels rise and women may feel sleepy during the day. 

'As menstruation begins, levels of progesterone drop which can cause women to be wakeful at night.' 

Seriously after reading this, I can only say FML. And some other sources claim that it's due to the sudden drop in Iron level in the body hence causing your body to be more tired than usual.

Women and children are most susceptible to iron deficiency. Women are vulnerable because of blood loss from menstruation. The spike in hormone levels during menstruation may also lead to low iron levels, as iron is normally consumed when hormones are produced.

If you start eating food that give you iron you'll probably feel less tired. For example red meat, liver, beef and etc. I tried it out for lunch, ordered chicken for my cai fan and I do feel less tired in the afternoon. If I probably stick to veggies and just fishball noodles types of food, I'll probably concuss after lunch.

Why do one feel extremely HUNGRY 1 week before/during their period?

I can eat ALOT before my period comes. My appetite just increase by twice the normal times. I did google before in the past that because you need probably another 100-300 calories more than usual due to higher metabolism, hence you'll need more food and feel hungrier than usual. Keyword is 100-300 calories only! Not as though 500 calories! 

In any case, I think I need more than 500 calories a day before my period comes. All thanks to progesterone. Anyway if one can do it well and curb this hunger, you'll probably find yourself losing weight lol! Your metabolism rate increase and yet you eat as normal, of cause will slim down but it's not easy when you have a growling stomach. :(

However, that doesn't mean 1 should succumb to your cravings and start eating like a whale. You'll still need to watch your diet and eat clean.You won't want to see yourself gaining weight after your period ends. That's what I tell myself and keep it in mind always. It's just the body making you feel hungrier than usual and start fantasizing for food. Needless to say, Self-discipline is super important when comes to this. :)

Water weight gain during this period of time is very common plus the fact that You eat more before your period. One got to try avoid eating salty stuff to prevent water retention in your body. But what if your craving is food like Mcdonalds or other fast food. Hence, I'll make an effort to exercise before or during my period.

By taking a walk/jog around your area definitely helps you feel better from the bloatedness that you are suffering cause of water retention.
My exercise regimen continues and running releases endorphin which make one feel good! It's important especially before period to cure that PMS.

"If you're feeling up for a jog, go for it. The endorphins you release during an intesnse cardio workout can help you beat the period ickies that you may be feeling. Hydrate well before, after and during your run, if possible; some researchers say you dehydrate more easily on your period. Whether that's true or not, err on the side of safety and keep drinking."

I'm not that bother with getting hungry easier but more concern with the tiredness/sleepyness. Felt so irritated, anyone have any cure/remedy for it? I can't possible sleep the whole day though I really feel like -_-". I'm still in the midst of hunting down the cure/remedy for this, so feel free to let me know if there's any :)

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